- reserve three banquet tables 包三桌酒席
- I made a reservation three day ago. My name is Ruth Carson. 我三天前预定了房间。我的名字叫鲁思·卡森。
- A: Yes sir, it is serve yourself, but you still need to decide what food to put on the banquet tables. 是的,先生,您可以根据自己的胃口选择,但您要决定餐桌该上那些食品。
- The sweet smells and colors of the flowers matched beautifully the long dresses and jewels of the guests and the elegance of the banquet tables. 花朵的芳香和色彩与宾客的长礼服及珠宝,和宴会桌的优美相互辉映,显得极为美丽。
- We have reserved three tables for your group from table No 16-18. 我们为您的旅游团预定了三个桌子,从16号到18号桌。
- The knights rose from the banquet table to pledge the King . 众武士自宴席上立起举杯祝国王健康。
- The knights rose from the banquet table to pledge the King. 众武士自宴席上立起举杯祝国王健康。
- The bean curd banquet table of huainan how much money? 淮南的豆腐宴一桌多少钱啊?
- I made a reservation three days ago. My name is Ruth Carson. 我三天前预定了房间。我的名字叫鲁思.;卡森。
- I make a reservation three day ago. my name be ruth carson . 我三天前预定了房间。我的名字叫鲁思。卡森。
- I make a reservation three day ago. my name is ruth carson. 我三天前预定了房间。我的名字叫鲁思。卡森。
- I made a reservation three clays ago. My name is Ruth Carson. 我三天前预定了房间。我的名字叫鲁思·卡森。
- I made a reservation three days ago. My name is Ruth Carson . 我三天前预定了房间。 我的名字叫鲁思.;卡森。
- I make a reservation three days ago. My name is Ruth Carson. 我预定了本星期日的房间。我的名字叫德克斯特。
- Her seat was in a prime position next to the King Harald at the middle of the top of the lengthy horseshoe shaped banquet table. 她坐在马蹄形长宴会桌顶端中间很重要的位置,身边就是哈拉尔国王。
- At the banquet table , I had the good fortune to sit vis-a-vis an old school chum. 在宴会桌上,我恰巧坐在一位老同学的对面。
- San banquet table, you only look at a dish of Dong Kuaizi not perhaps be Benguela. 一桌酒席散后,你看那唯一一盘没有动筷子的菜或许就是格拉条。
- The big or small tributes on the banquet table are beautiful and of various kinds. 宴桌上有大小贡品琳琅满目,种类繁多,分文宴、武宴,有水中“游”的、地上“跑”的、天上“飞”的,可谓“海、陆、空”齐全;
- The streets belong to the past light cake snacks, unpresentable now Fuzhou people also put on a banquet table light cake. 以前光饼属于街头小吃,不登大雅之堂,如今福州人宴桌也摆上了光饼。
- If you are ever invited to a Chinese wedding banquet, don't be surprised to spot a mouthwatering platter of Peking duck on the banquet table. 如果你是有史以来邀请中国喜宴,也不要太惊讶发现一盘鸭肉北京鸭在宴会桌上。