- The font size can be an absolute or relative size. 字体大小可以是绝对大小或相对大小。
- Never use fixed size values. Always use relative size values. 不要使用固定的尺寸值。尽量使用相对的尺寸值。
- Sets a relative size for the font, which you choose from a list of options. 设置字体的相对大小,可从选项列表中进行选择。
- The trend is further underlined by the relative size of the companies acquired. 收购企业的相对大小进一步强调了这一趋势。
- It is not possible to make a general statement concerning the relative size of the fluctuations in these industries. 不可能对相关系到这些行业的波动大小做一个总体结论。
- Be sure to check the radio button beside width, height or relative size appropriately. 选择宽度,高度或是按原图的百分比(%25)等旁边的单选按钮加以确定.;注:百分比(%25)值也可以自行输入。
- To determine the optimal allocation of fertilizer in this situation, it is necessary to know the relative size of the MPP of potash in all regions. 在这种情况下,为了肥料分配最优化,需要知道所有地区钾肥边际产量的相对大小。
- Too often founders and investors fight over the relative size of their slice of the pie. 常常见到公司创建者和投资者为了各自手中馅饼的比例而争执。
- Its relative size has caused some Laotians to fear the country could be swamped by its giant neighbor. 正是这种规格使得一些老挝人害怕这个国家会被他们庞大的邻居所淹没。
- Cartographers are referring to the relative size of the representative fraction. 制图者正在查阅数字比例尺的相对尺寸。
- Control provides a proportional resizing capability that enables controls to retain the same relative size when they are resized to fit their contents. 控件提供了按比例调整大小的能力,它使控件可以在调整大小以适应其内容时保持相对比例不变。
- You may specify the output size based on the desired output width, height or relative size compared to the input images. 您可以建立您希望的宽度,高度或是按原图的百分比(%25)等的输出量的值来指定输出尺寸。
- However , resulted in less dramatic change on relative size of digestive organs in 49-day-old duck except the relative weight of rectum. 添加纤维素酶能不同程度地降低消化器官的相对大小,但却极显著地增加了49日龄肉鸭十二指肠的相对长度。
- The legacy of not one but two lost decades has saddled Japan's future generations with a debt whose relative size is unprecedented in the OECD. “失去的二十年”(而非“失去的十年”)之遗产,已使日本未来的世代背负上了沉重的债务,其相对规模之大,在经合组织中前所未见。
- Egg cell and sperm cells. Schematic drawing showing their relative sizes. 卵子细胞与精子细胞。按照相对大小所绘示意图。
- The outcome chosen should depend on the relative size of the benefits of trade versus the costs of altering or complying with food safety regulations. 对搞国际食品贸易来说,按照食品安全规程是前提,所以一定要了解食品国际贸易的理论啊!
- Choosing imbedding the watermarking in DCT coefficients, according to relative size of DCT coefficient, were using exchange method to imbedding bit information. 选择在IVOP的DCT系数中嵌入水印,根据DCT系数的大小关系,采用交换法嵌入比特信息。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- The result nicely illustrates the relative size of the umbra's cross section at the distance of the Moon, as well as the Moon's path through the Earth's shadow. 得到的影像很好地描述了在地月距离上本影横截面的相对大小,同时还说明了月球的路径在地球的阴影中。
- What is your competitive position? What is your relative size and growth in your industry or markets served? What are the numbers and types of competitors for your organization? 组织处于什么样的竞争位置?在行业内或所在的市场上,组织的相对规模和成长情况如何?组织的竞争者的数量和类型如何?