- Nernst-Einstein relation (扩散定律) 能斯脱爱因斯坦关系式
- relation 和relationship 可用以表示亲属关系 Relation and relationship can be used of family connections
- 试比较relation、 relations、 relationship这叁个词. Compare relation, relationsand relationship.
- 试比较relation、relations、relationship这三个词. Compare relation,relationsand relationship.
- 试比较relation、relations、relationship这叁个词. Compare relation, relationsand relationship.
- relation-string用于比较的比较运算符,用单引号括起来。 Relation-string The comparison operator used for the comparison, enclosed in single quotes.
- relation 和relationship 可以表示事物之间的相似处或一致性 Relation and relationship can indicate a similarity or correspondence between things
- 关系数据库中,标识一个实体及其属性的关系的一部分。参阅relation。 In a relational data base,a part of a relation that identifiers an entity and its attributes.
- 本文首先将网络抽象成为数据(Data),关系(Relation),能力(Ability)三个基本要素,然后,在此基础上提出了一种基于DRA的入侵分类方案。 First above all, this thesis divides the network into three factors:Data, Relation and Ability. Furthermore, grounded on the model the thesis provides a classification based on DRA.
- 本文通过研究Agent的关系入手,基于动态模糊关系(Dynamic Fuzzy Relation,DFR)建立了多Agent系统组合模型,主要包括如下几个方面的工作: By studying the relation of Agents, we use Dynamic Fuzzy Relation(DFR) to develop Multi-Agent System Combination Model. Our main work includes three aspects as follows:
- 其次,对三维造型软件Pro/ENGINEER作了简单的介绍,对其Pro/Replace、Pro/Family Table、Pro/Relation和Pro/Program等模块的功能进行了学习和探索,找出了其在装配中的优点和不足。 Secondly, three-dimensional modeling software Pro/ENGENEER is introduced simply, through studying thoroughly the function of Pro/Replace, Pro/Family Table, Pro/Relation and Pro/Program, the advantage and deficiency in the assembly are founded.
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