- related financial contract 关系性财务契约
- Product or service experience of sales-tech related financial trading products. 具有销售相关的金融交易产品或服务的经验。
- Two important components of staged financing are financial contract and renegotiation capacity . 金融契约及谈判讨价还价的能力是阶段融资的两个重要组成部分。
- Beneficiary A person or entity named in a will or financial contract to be an inheritor of someone's property when the property owner dies. 遗嘱或财务合约中订明有权在资产拥有者过世后承继有关资产的人士或机构。
- No sales clerks are allowed to hold, use, or give discount to customer's VIP card. Any violator's related financial responsibility shall be investigated and dealt. 严禁营业员持VIP卡传递使用或替顾客打折,违者将追究其经济责任。
- For example, if the audit work on a subsidiary of the company, due to war or natural disaster, cannot be carried out to the satisfaction of the auditor, the auditor may have to qualify his opinion accordingly on the related financial figures. 例如,公司在某国之子公司,由于战争或天灾,查帐工作无法正常进行,以致于审计师无从判断该子公司报表的可信度。审计师会就此困难,对此部分的财务数字保留其意见。
- For example,if the audit work on a subsidiary of the company,due to war or natural disaster,cannot be carried out to the satisfaction of the auditor,the auditor may have to qualify his opinion accordingly on the related financial figures. 例如,公司在某国之子公司,由于战争或天灾,查帐工作无法正常进行,以致于审计师无从判断该子公司报表的可信度。审计师会就此困难,对此部分的财务数字保留其意见。
- This master program is for people with a bachelor degree, a graduate diploma or equivalent qualification, who wish to develop expertise in accounting and related financial management aspects of business. 该硕士课程,适合具有学士学位,研究生桥梁课程文凭或相当学历的人,想提高他们在会计和金融管理方面的知识和技能。
- Compared with the civil contract, financial contract has its own legal charateristics.China should reform her laws concerning financial contract for suiting international financial market. 金融合同与民事合同及其他种类的合同相比较,具有自己的法律特征。
- The majority of views received support the principle that property owners should bear the ultimate responsibility to upkeep their buildings, including the related financial implications. 大部分意见均赞成业主须承担妥善保养本身楼宇的最终责任,包括负担有关费用的原则。
- It uses accounting, auditing and other techniques in investigation, measurement, litigation and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to help client resolve the legal related financial problems. 它综合运用会计学、审计学、财务学、侦查学等各类学科的方法,处理法律当中需要运用会计相关信息解决的问题,被广泛运用于经济案件的调查和损失的确认、计量中,并对诉讼、仲裁等程序提供判别的客观依据。
- Relating financial transactions in terms of the appropriate Uniform System of Accounts categories. 用酒店统一制度的科目处理财务交易活动。
- In regards to this initial study on financial contracts, Kaplan notes, "There's a real public policy angle to it. 关于首次对投资合同所做的这份研究,Kaplan教授表示,“的确有出于公共政策的考虑在里面。
- US bankruptcy law had traditionally provided certain financial contracts with different levels of exemption, or safe harbor protection. 美国破产法传统上给予若干金融合约以程度不等的破产安全港保护。
- A system whereby outstanding financial contracts can be settled at a net figure. Receivables are offset against payables to reduce the ... 指未到期金融合约可按净值结算的一种安排,对同一交易对手的应收款与应付款互抵后以净额结算,可降低结算风...
- C. currently supervises the market for financial contracts known as futures while the S.E.C. regulates securities markets. 目前,CFTC监管金融合约期货市场,而SEC监管证券市场。
- Stabilize and perfect the financial contract system 巩固完善财政包干制度
- financial contract of national reclaimation farms 国营农垦企业财务包干
- venture capital financial contract 风险投资契约
- She's my namesake but we're not related. 她与我同姓,但我们不是亲戚。