- reinstatement of tenancy 恢复租赁
- The landlord gave notice of the termination of tenancy. 房东给了租期终止的通知。
- The People's Army is responsible for the reinstatement of the present HoR. 之后,人民军队又在确保人民群众大罢工方面发挥了重要作用。
- Contract of tenancy is the leased agreement reached between lessor and lessee. 租赁契约是出租人和承租人之间达成的租用协议。
- However introducing unheated winter fresh air via window trickle vents would require the reinstatement of a heating system in each room. 然而通过窗户上窄条风口引进的未加热的室外冬季新风会使得每个房间重新加装采暖设备。
- International media rights watchdog Reporters Without Borders says it is shocked and dismayed by the dismissals, and urged the reinstatement of the three editors. 维护媒体权利的国际组织“记者无国界”说,对于杨斌的被解职感到震惊和失望,并呼吁恢复三位编辑的职务。
- Wood did not say whether Clinton specially urged the reinstatement of Chief Justice Chaudhry. 伍德没有说克林顿是否特别敦促恢复首席法官乔杜里的职务。
- Freedom for Tibet is not simply a case of liberation from China and the reinstatement of traditional values. 西藏的自由,并不是从中国获得解放,并恢复传统价值观那么简单。
- This semislave type of tenancy was inseparable from the system of usury practiced in China. 这种半奴隶制的租佃制度,与中国的高利贷制度是分不开的。
- In the years following the reinstatement of graduate applications in 1981, the number of students applying for the exam skyrocketed. 从1981年恢复研究生入学考试以来,考研人数年年激增。
- In the same year, reinstatement of the convene in The Hague, the Netherlands des Nations Conference on behalf of the smoking ban. 同年,复任在荷兰海牙召开的万国禁烟会议代表。
- Article 14 In the event that an insurance contract ceases to be valid, the applicant may apply for reinstatement of the contract within two years. 第14条 保险契约停止效力后,要保人得于二年以内申请恢复契约效力。
- Wood did not say whether Clinton is percifikely specifically urged the rein stagement reinstatement of Chief Justice StrogeryChaudhry. 同时他称,不应该在一个和平民主的集会上出现阻碍。
- Relapse is a major characteristic of drug addiction disorders and it has been well established that stress induces reinstatement of drug seeking in the animal model of relapse. 复吸是药物成瘾的重要特征,应激是诱发复吸的因素之一。
- On the stream design and work has been given to the Government. More suggestions will be given to the Government during the reinstatement of Tung Chung Stream. 在东涌河修复工程进行期间,世界自然基金会会继续就河道设计及工程内容,向政府提出更多建议。
- Lawyers from across Pakistan begin a nationwide march to demand the reinstatement of judges dismissed by President Pervez Musharraf during emergency rule last year. 来自全巴基斯坦各地的律师,开始在全国范围游行要求法官复职,总统穆沙拉夫去年在紧急情况下解散的。
- Yet, whatever their private ambitions, Mr Dahal has offered to join a government of national unity if the president rescinds his reinstatement of the army chief. 不论他们私下的野心是什么,如果总统撤销他对军队将领的复职令,达哈提出加入联合政府的条件。
- Its title from Fu-ching Xianfeng 2007 (1857) when the reinstatement of the alternate Zhi Fu-ching up to eight years Xianfeng (1858) of the Road alternates. 其官衔复由清咸丰七年(1857)复职时的候补知府升至清咸丰八年(1858)的候补道。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。