- A New Field of Vision in the Reform of Teacher Education 教师教育改革的新视野
- international curriculum reform of teacher education 国际教师教育课程改革
- Characteristics of the Reform of the German Pre-service System of Teacher Education 德国职前教师教育体系改革的特点及启示
- A Study of Reform of Personnel Training Model of Teacher Education in Colleges and Universities for Nationalities 民族院校中师范教育人才培养模式改革研究
- The Trend towards Practicality in the Reform of Teacher Education in the United States 美国教师教育改革中的实践性导向
- reform of teacher education 教师教育改革
- How to See the Universitization of Teacher Education? 如何理解教师教育大学化?
- Reform of the Training Mode of Teachers'Education and Structure of the Course System 教师教育培养模式改革与课程体系的构建
- Reform of the Training Mode of Teachers'Education and the Construction of the Course System 试论师范教育转型与教师教育课程体系的构建
- In fact, the turning imply the transition of teacher education paradigm . 这种转向实际是国际教师教育范式的转移。
- With the development of teacher education reform, the irregularity of preschool teachers' development traditionally exposed gradually. 摘要随着教师教育改革的推进,传统的学前师资培养的弊端日渐显现出来。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- Fourth, to reform the former educational courses so as to reflect the professionalization &specialization of teacher education. 第四,改革原有教育类课程,体现师范课程的教师专业化与职业化的特点。
- Lasley, T. J.(1980). Preservice teacher beliefs about teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 31(4), 38-41. 陶英琪、陈颖涵译。探索孩子的心灵世界-方案教学的理论与实务。台北:心理。
- Skilbeck, M. (1992), The role of research in teacher education, European Journal of Teacher Education, 15(1/2), 23-35. 蔡培村(1994);中小学教师生涯进阶与等级划分可行性之研究;教育部中等教育司委讬;.
- Teachers" professionalization, a key trend in the development of teacher career internationally, is one of the central topics in the reform of current teachers" education. 教师专业化是国际教师职业发展的重要趋势,是当代教师教育改革的中心主题之一。
- Currently, teacher's need of education diversifies and deepens due to the complicated educational life, which promotes the reform and development of teacher education. 在当代,受日益复杂化的教育生活所驱使,教师受教育需要日益分化、深化,推动着教师教育的变革和发展。
- The world has paid much attention to the project of teachers" education, and commenced to cany out the reform of teachers" education. 包括我国在内的世界各国都对教师教育十分重视,并已着手进行教师教育的改革。
- The reform of higher education continued to deepen. 高等教育改革继续深化。
- With the rapid transformation of teacher education in China, the establishment of teacher education discipline becomes imperatively. 摘要伴随我国教师教育的迅速转型,教师教育学科的创生和发展成为历史必然。