- American wren that inhabits tall reed beds. 栖息在高杆芦苇畦地的美洲鹪鹩。
- Hope is a slender reed for a stout man to lean on. 希望是壮汉依靠的一根纤细的芦苇。
- A wren is a kind of short-winged songbird. 鹪鹩是一种短翼的鸣禽。
- Don't give the job to Reed, he'll only botch it up. 这事情不能交给里德办,他只会把事情弄糟的。
- A 16-foot reed stop on an organ. 风琴的十六音步簧
- He let me down at the last minute and turned out to be a broken reed. 他在紧急关头拆了我的台,成了背信弃义的人。
- In her intemperate husband, Mrs Fang has a broken reed. 有了一个酗酒的丈夫,方太太依靠无人。
- The river banks were overgrown with reed. 河岸长满了芦苇。
- I would say we are status quo," Admiral Wren said. 我认为,我们是保持现状。
- Thrush and wren this message bring. 画眉和鹪鹩带来了的消息,
- Reed worked so well that they doubled his wages. 里德工作得很好,他们给他工资加了一倍。
- We need reed needles to speed the deed indeed. 我们确实需要一些芦苇针来加快行动。
- A wind instrument of the Renaissance with a curving tube and a double reed. 双簧弯管文艺复兴时期的一种带有一个弯曲的吹管和双簧片的管乐器
- She would not receive Mrs. Reed . 她不愿意接见里得夫人。
- He was relying upon a broken reed. 他依靠着一个靠不住的人。
- The vibrating end of a reed in a wind instrument. 簧片簧乐器中振动的前端
- They regarded him as a broken reed. 他们认为他是个不可靠的人。
- Unfortunately his latest squeeze, known as Wren, is a video artist. 然而不幸的是,他最近结识的女子雷恩却是一位视频艺术家。
- A reed produces vibrations in the clarinet. 簧片可以在单簧管中产生震动。
- The female of certain animals, especially the donkey and the wren. 雌性动物雌性动物,尤指驴和鹪鹩