- The title actually does not mean anything, but farmers who hum this tune while working in the fields will end paragraphs of the song with “Ba Gen Lu Chai Hua”, which means “pulling a reed catkin”. 这首歌流行于陕西和山西,表现了主人公肩挑扁担、口唱歌谣、步履轻快地向绛州进发的愉快心情。乐曲中用左手的固定音型表现出好像扁担上下忽闪的弹性动作。全曲展现了一幅优美、惬意的乡间画面。
- " Qu of these two Qu is blowing air, attack arris arris hits the eastern side to fly big cock of a reed catkins. 这两个蛐蛐正在吹大气,扑棱棱打东边飞来一只芦花大公鸡。
- Hope is a slender reed for a stout man to lean on. 希望是壮汉依靠的一根纤细的芦苇。
- Don't give the job to Reed, he'll only botch it up. 这事情不能交给里德办,他只会把事情弄糟的。
- A 16-foot reed stop on an organ. 风琴的十六音步簧
- He let me down at the last minute and turned out to be a broken reed. 他在紧急关头拆了我的台,成了背信弃义的人。
- Don't you see the catkins swimming in the air? 你没看见空中飘着柳絮吗?
- In her intemperate husband, Mrs Fang has a broken reed. 有了一个酗酒的丈夫,方太太依靠无人。
- Several other conifers produce small male catkins. 其它几种针叶树产生小雄花序。
- The river banks were overgrown with reed. 河岸长满了芦苇。
- A single branch may bear several catkins. 一根枝条可着生几个花序。
- American wren that inhabits tall reed beds. 栖息在高杆芦苇畦地的美洲鹪鹩。
- Willow catkins are fluttering in the air. 柳絮在空中飞舞。
- Reed worked so well that they doubled his wages. 里德工作得很好,他们给他工资加了一倍。
- Most willow catkins have been blown away, alas! 枝上柳绵吹又少!
- We need reed needles to speed the deed indeed. 我们确实需要一些芦苇针来加快行动。
- The flying catkin through the willows is me. 柳底飞花是我。
- A wind instrument of the Renaissance with a curving tube and a double reed. 双簧弯管文艺复兴时期的一种带有一个弯曲的吹管和双簧片的管乐器
- A fuzzy catkin, especially of the pussy willow. 褪色柳的柔荑花序带柔毛的茅荑花序,尤其是褪色柳的
- She would not receive Mrs. Reed . 她不愿意接见里得夫人。