- (=closed reduction) 闭合复位术 cl. rd.
- 这方面做法很多,例如限定每月只能支取最后薪金额(last drawn salary)的一个百分比。 There are several ways to go about this. For instance, the account holder can only withdraw monthly a certain percentage of his last drawn salary.
- (=reduction-oxidation reaction) 还原-氧化反应 redox.
- 首先,提出一种新型的属性约简策略ARS(Attributes Reduction Strategy)。 Firstly, a new attributes reduction strategy (ARS) is discussed.
- in,from,out,以及of都是介词。 The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- iN-OS iNOS
- NO_x存储-还原(NO_x storage reduction,NSR)法是消除稀燃发动机尾气中NO_x的一种非常有效的方法。 The NO_x storage-reduction (NSR) method is a very effective approach to reduce the NO_x emission from the lean-burn engines and the NSR catalysts based on Pt and Ba have been most extensively studied.
- Cu-In Cu-In
- IN环 IN-rings
- IN陶瓷 aluminium nitride
- In组分 indium content
- 主IN环 principal IN-rings
- In掺杂 In dopant
- In填充 In filling
- In分凝 In segregation
- In-掺杂 In-doping
- 介词in the preposition IN
- In(OH)3 In(OH)3
- In-Ceram In-Ceram
- Zn-In合金 Zn-In alloy