- reduced form approach 简化型方法
- A card or sheet of microfilm capable of accommodating and preserving a considerable number of pages, as of printed text, in reduced form. 缩微平片一个缩微胶卷片,能够以缩微形式容纳并储存相当多数量的页数,如一印刷文本的
- By add former feedback in the PID controller the response time of step input reduced form 1.2s to 0.3s. 通过给PID控制器增加前馈环节,使定位时间从1.;2s降低到0
- This enzyme contains both FAD and FMN, and the latter cycles between a neutral semiquinone and fully reduced form[9]. 这种酶包含基金会和黄素,中立之间醌,后者周期完全简化形式[9]。
- A card or sheet of microfilm capable of accommodatingand preserving a considerable number of pages, as of printed text, in reduced form. 缩微平片一个缩微胶卷片,能够以缩微形式容纳并储存相当多数量的页数,如一印刷文本的。
- The oxidized absorption spectra of cytochrome b-563 had peaks at 420, 535 nm and the reduced form had major peaks at 430, 533, 563nm. 氧化型细胞色素b-563的吸收峰为420、535毫微米,还原型为430、533、563毫微米。
- The polyol pathway increases the retinal ratio of the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(NADH) and the oxidized form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(NAD +) causing retinal hypoxia like redox imbalance,or "pseudohypoxia". 多原醇途径使视网膜内还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NADH)和氧化型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD+)比率升高,模拟低氧反应,改变了视网膜内氧化还原平衡。
- The Debate about Two Views of Reduced Form 两种简约式观点辨析
- reduced form of zero-sum n-person game 简约型n人零和对策
- , as of printed text, in reduced form 缩微平片一个缩微胶卷片,能够以缩微形式容纳并储存相当多数量的页数,如一印刷文本的
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- reduced form of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotid 还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸, 还原型辅酶I
- The script is massaged into final form. 这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。
- Hunger had reduced the dog to skin and bone. 由于饥饿这条狗瘦成了皮包骨。
- Selfishness in any form is my pet aversion. 我最讨厌自私自利,不管它以什么形式出现。
- He is reduced almost to a skeleton. 他瘦得几乎变成了一个骨头架子。
- Some biological molecules have the form of a helix. 有些生物分子呈螺旋状。
- They were reduced to begging or starving. 他们穷得不行乞便挨饿。