- A hyperbola approaches but does not meet its asymptote. 双曲线逐渐接近它的渐近线但不相交。
- So, the paper presents the method of random asymptote distribution to solve it. 为此,文中提出了有效的随机数渐近线分布法对其进行评估。
- An asymptote is a line or curve that approaches a given curve arbitrarily closely. 所以渐近线也可能是一条曲线。不过方便起见我们都讨论渐近"线"。
- The low value appears to be an asymptote; further reductions in toughness do not occur in thicker plates. 低值看来是一个渐近值,在更厚的板中韧性值不会进一步减
- A new method on seeking asymptote is given by applying the relation between secant and asymptote, this method is helpful to train creativity of students. 摘要利用曲线割线的极限得到曲线的渐近线,给出了求渐近线的一种新方法。这种方法直观性强,有助于培养学生的创新能力。
- He and the design firm Asymptote collaborated on the space.It has already won two awards. 店面空间是他和设计公司“渐近线”合作打造的,已经赢得两项大奖。
- A section of the Virtual Guggenheim Museum designed by New York architects Asymptote. 美国纽约的建筑事务所“渐近线”设计的虚拟古根汉博物馆(纽约)一隅。
- Rotated curving face Equations, which originated from two kinds of hyperbolas rotating around asymptote was discussed. 摘要讨论不同类型的双曲线绕其渐近线旋转生成的旋转曲面方程,其中包括双曲线为等轴双曲线的情形;
- That's an unspecified function with a vertical asymptote so that warp 10 is actually infinite. 而小庄则认为这两个事件是强相关的。野驴很公正地下了结论:“弱相关,弱相关。”
- This fact may be counterintuitive - it seems reasonable to suppose that you would reach an asymptote once almost all the English words had been included. 这个事实可能与我们的直觉相反认为一旦全部包括了几乎所有的英文单词,您就可以一劳永逸,这似乎很合乎情理。
- The critical aspect ratio of the fiber is defined as the cross-point of the tangent value of the inflexion and the asymptote of the maximum elastic modulus. 将与曲线拐点切线和最大值水平直线交点相对应的长径比值定义为纤维临界长径比,将与此相对应的函数值定义为弹性模量临界值。
- The trend to a great extent has inherited and developed the neorealist spirit of Italian films and Bazin's cinematic concepts of realistic, ontology, asymptote of reality. 现实主义电影思潮在很大程度上继承并发展了巴赞的“写实主义电影观”、“影像本体论”与“现实渐近线”理论以及意大利新现实主义电影的精神。
- By using the definition and property of asymptote of quadratlc curves,this paper explores the seeking meth-ods of asymptote of quadratic curves according to different ways. 本文通过二阶曲线渐近线的定义、性质,从不同的角度探讨了二阶曲线渐近线的求法。
- This article elaborates the solution of asymptote of rational function curve, pointing out both the common way of finding limit value and the elementary way. 文章阐述了求有理函数曲线的渐近线,不仅可用常规的通过求极限值的方法来确定,还可用初等方法来确定。
- The original asymptote criterion of polar diagram is improved, and it is pointed out that only one type system has original asymptote in the open loop systems. 文章对绘制开环系统极坐标图进行了深入研究,给出了极坐标图起始渐近线的判据,指出开环系统只有1型系统才有起始渐近线。
- Blazing a trail in the development of these spaces are New York architects Asymptote, who developed the New York Stock Exchange's 3D trading floor and have designed a virtual Guggenheim Museum. 这方面的首开先河之人是纽约建筑师事务所“渐近线”,他们开发了纽约股票交易所的三维交易平台和虚拟古根汉博物馆。
- The paper probes into the relation between functional differentiability and the derivative function limit,and the relation between asymptote of function and the derivative function limit. 探讨函数的可导性、函数的渐近线与导函数的极限之间的关系。
- Solving the problem of faces ambiguity by using hyperbolic asymptote and the problem of inferior ambiguity by judging the relationship of hyperbolic asymptote on inferior parallel plane. 采用双曲渐近线判别式消除面二义性问题,利用插值函数的空间连续性解决体二义性问题。
- relating to or of the nature of an asymptote. 关于或具有渐近线特性的。
- relating to or of the nature of an asymptote 关于或具有渐近线特性的