- Credit-Recovery算法 Credit-Recovery algorithm
- 安装完成后,SQL Server将recovery interval设置为零。 After installation, SQL Server sets recovery interval to zero.
- 办公室恶搞party小游戏 World of Warcraft party office Games
- 使用recovery interval服务器配置选项为服务器实例上的所有数据库计算自动检查点之间的间隔。 Use the recovery interval server configuration option to calculate the interval between automatic checkpoints for all the databases on a server instance.
- 所有车辆都得给消防车让路。 All traffic has to make way for a fire-engine.
- 如果前滚集尚未前滚到与数据库保持一致的地步,并且指定了RECOVERY,则数据库引擎将发出错误。 If the roll forward set has not been rolled forward far enough to be consistent with the database and RECOVERY is specified, the Database Engine issues an error.
- accredited party (信用证) 开证申请人
- 通往机场的路常为来往车辆阻塞。 The road to the airport is clogged with traffic.
- [party etc+] 正处于全盛时期 to be in full swing
- 这条路上行人车辆太多了。 There is too much traffic on the road.
- 主人邀请了两位舞女为party增色。 The host spices up the party by inviting two dancers.
- 让我们租一艘船,然后在船上搞party。 Let's hire a boat and have our party on it.
- 在特定位置内来往的车辆的集合体。 the aggregation of vehicles coming and going in a particular locality.
- 圣诞Party:在理智与情感间放纵 Christmas Party:free from sense and sensibility
- 车辆驶到路边,好让救火车通过。 The cars moved to the curb so that the fire engine could get
- Denied Party Screener参考以下名单 The Denied Party Screener references the following lists
- 今天上午路上又塞满了车辆。 The road was chock-a-block with cars again this morning.
- Denied Party Screener按每笔交易收费。 Users of the Denied Party Screener are charged on a per-transaction basis.
- 打高尔夫球的人在击球时能驾驶的机动车辆。 a motorized cart in which golfers can ride between shots.