- record level access 记录级存取
- Interest rates are running at record levels. 利率达到创记录的水平。
- In this period, unemployment reaches record levels. 这段时间的失业人数又达到了创纪录水平。
- An object providing project level access to any contained code element. 一个对象,用于提供对包含的任何代码元素的项目级别访问。
- Subterranean bine shows procumbent record level inclined to stretchy. 地下茎呈匍匐状水平斜向伸长。
- This access method is unusual in that it provides record level locking. This can provide beneficial performance improvements in applications requiring concurrent access to the queue. 这种访问方式与众不同处在于他提供记录级别的锁。当程序需要并发的访问队列时,这一点可以提高性能。
- Prices rose steadily to reach record levels. 价格平稳上涨到历史纪录水平.
- SP-R: During that period the agency had to deal with a record level of pension plan failures. 这句不知道这样理解对不对:在那期间,该机构退休金计划的破产达到了创记录的水平。
- The pound has sunk to its lowest recorded level against the dollar. 英镑对美元的比价降到了历史最低水平。
- Indicates whether conflicts should be detected at the logical record level or at the row or column level. 指示应在逻辑记录级还是行级或列级检测冲突。
- On Tuesday, oil prices reached a record level, beating the peak from last summer. 对周二,石油价格达到创纪录的水平,击败高峰,从去年夏天。
- The river is expected to crest this weekend at near record levels. 人们认为这条河的河水最高峰将在周末接近历史最好水平。
- The price of butterfat, the key ingredient in ice cream, rose to a record level. 冰淇淋的关键成分-奶脂的价格创了历史记录新高。
- Encouraged by health fundamental and passional fund interest,the price of platinum refreshed a new record level. 铂价在良好基本面的支持和基金的热情买兴鼓励下;刷新历史高点;达到1337.;5美元/盎司。
- China is also the world's top holder of foreign currencies, and new data released Friday showed it reserves surged to a record level. 同时,中国也是全世界外汇储备最多的国家,星期五公布的数据显示,中国外汇储备上升到一个创记录的水平。
- Bradley Belt has led the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation for two years. During that period the agency had to deal with a record level of pension plan failures. Bradley Belt领导退休金利润保证公司已经两年了。这段时间里这个机构不得不处理了创记录的退休金计划中失败的案例。
- Today bilateral trade is running at record levels and the UK continues to be the EU's largest investor in China. 今天两国的双边贸易额屡创新高,英国在欧盟各国对华投资一直保持首位。
- Assuming only a basic knowledge of probability and calculus, it covers the material in a mathematically rigorous and complete way at a level accessible to second or third year undergraduate students. 假定只有一个基本知识的概率和演算,它涵盖材料,在理论上严格和彻底的方式在一定的水平进入第二或第三个年头本科生。
- For the first three years of the People's Republic,the Chinese people,led by their government,concentrated their efforts on healing the wounds of war and quickly restored the national economy to the record level in history. 人民政府领导全国人民用了三年时间,集中精力医治战争创伤,使国民经济迅速恢复到历史的最高水平。
- Global consumption of fish is at its highest recorded level and is still growing. (全球的鱼类消费量已处于创记录的最高水平,并且还在增长。