- A deceptive action calculated to divert attention from one's real purpose. 伪装,假象设计好的分散对方注意力的虚假行为
- No one mentioned the real purpose of this meeting . 谁也没有提到这次会议的真正目的。
- Had the Frenchman guessed his real purpose? 难道这个法国人猜透了他的身分?
- Nobody mentioned the real purpose of this meeting. 谁也没有提到这次会议的真正目的。
- Making the wings gave him a real purpose. 制作翅膀带给了他一个真正的目的。
- Clowns have a real purpose: to make people laugh. 小丑的真是目的就是:让观众笑。
- But it is said that their real purpose is to go abroad. 可据说她们真正的目的是出国。
- You can use your hidden blade in combat but its real purpose is assassination. 你也可以在战斗中使用无名刀,不过其真正的用途是拿来暗杀用的了。
- There is still a fundamental misunderstanding about the real purpose of this work. 对于这项工作的真实目的,仍然存在着严重的误解。
- Elements that serve no real purpose, you might find it easier to update them before the conversion. 元素,您可能会发现在转换之前,如果对其加以修改,转换会更容易一些。
- They really saw the hegemonic side of the United States bandits and their real purpose! 他们真正看到了美国强盗的霸道一面和其真正的目的何在!
- Berlusconi has simply stopped pretending that the annual talkfest serves any real purpose. 贝鲁斯科尼只是不再强装这个年度“漫谈会”可以达成什么实质目标。
- Hun by the real purpose is to laugh through the farcical tradition of people to meet the spirit of joy and pleasure. 科诨的真正目的在于通过滑稽传统使人发笑,满足精神上的愉悦和快感。
- When the dictator ordered the mob to disassemble in the name of the Church, he dissembled his real purpose. 当独裁者以教会的名义要求民众解散时,他掩饰了自己真正的意图。
- Actually, they do not care an user to use a case, real purpose is call at sb's house checks oily labour sends rake-off. 其实,他们并不关心用户使用情况,真正目的是登门核对给油工送回扣。
- Could the rumor about a Las Vegas show just be subterfuge to cover up the real purpose of their meetings? 难道拉斯维加斯演出的消息是为了掩盖秘密会谈的真实目的?
- To begin with the Unionist soldiers fought without any real purpose and their losses were terrible. 而起初,北方军的士兵却不知道他们到底为何而战。因此,他们遭受了可怕的失败。
- Indeed many larger headed humans of the time gravitated towards this path feeling it was their real purpose. 确实当时许多大头颅人类被这条道路吸引,感到它是他们真正的意图。
- If you treat the mediations or the associated transformations as a first class service, you eventually obscure the real purpose of the application. 如果您将仲介或相关联的转换视作第一个类别服务,则最终将使应用程式的真实用途变得模糊。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。