- read music score 读谱
- I think it (the music score) supremely beautiful! 我觉得它(那个谱子)非常地美!
- Based on the music score of Chopin etude OP. 本文在肖邦练习曲 OP.
- She was able to read music from early childhood. 她从很小的时候就能识乐谱。
- A good player can read music at sight. 一个好的演奏者一看到乐谱就能演奏出来。
- The piano teacher asked(me)if I could read music. 钢琴老师对我说,“你会看乐谱吗?
- He plays the piano by ear. He can't read music. 他弹钢琴是用耳朵硬听出来的,不识谱。
- He's one of those self-important pop singers who can’t read a musical score. 他那样一个三流歌手凭什么那么洋洋自得?
- He can't read music but he can knock out a tune on the piano. 他不识谱,但却能在钢琴上胡乱弹出乐曲。
- She doesn't read music at all. She plays everything by ear. 她不看乐谱,光凭记忆演奏。
- The point,as in a musical score,at which a performer is to begin. 开端处某声部或乐器进入合唱或合奏的开始处
- The director himself composed the spare, effective musical score. 导演自己拥有剩余的,令人印象深刻的音效分。
- The point, as in a musical score, at which a performer is to begin. 开端处某声部或乐器进入合唱或合奏的开始处
- Can you read music? 你能读谱吗?
- In electronic publishing and many music software, there is a need to trans form music score to computer readable data. 在电子出版及许多音乐研究中,均需将原文乐谱转化为被计算机可读的数据。
- Took a long time to complete the music score for "I Can" by Evan C.. a bit rush but hope you guys like it!! 等了已久的蔡?F佑[我可以]歌谱终于在一点点空隙中完成?做得很赶?有错地方请见谅!!
- The music score catches a different dream than only when a chord sounds within the field. 音乐乐曲捕获了一个能量场里当只有和弦时所不同的梦想。
- Did you learn to play the guitar by ear or by reading music? 你学弹吉他时看乐谱还是不看乐谱?
- Photocopies of musical score are NOT allowed to be used during the competition. 参赛者不得使用任何乐谱影印本作比赛之用。
- read music scores 读谱