- Having taken a bath in the rawin a cold mountain stream, we went to a village. 在冰冷的山间小溪胡乱洗个澡之后,我们就向一座村庄走去。
- The general pat-tern is rather similar to the result calculated by using the rawin data. 将其与用气象站测风所计算的结果相比较,发现它们的基本形势是一致的。
- Then cloud motion winds are derived from these tracers and after a circumfluence analysis on the cloud motion winds, the cloud motion winds are compared with the rawinsonde winds. 对用该方法选取的示踪云进行云迹风反演,然后对反演出的云迹风进行环流分析,并与探空风进行比较。
- However, these conditions lie in boundary level above ground with small scales, and the general surface and rawinsonde data can not reveal them. 触发条件通常位于近地面层中,水平尺度也很小,常规资料无法揭示出来。
- At the present, she diligently is preparing to attend the remnant Austria's swim meet, this kind of relentless Olympic Games spirit Mr.Link Rawin is greatly touched. 而今,她又在努力准备参加残奥的游泳比赛,这种坚持不懈的奥运精神令克雷文先生深受感动。
- Application of the rawinsonde in the ropeway line 无线测风仪在索道线路中的应用
- A new clear-sky downward longwave radiative flux parameterization for Arctic areas based on rawinsonde data 一个以无线电探空测风仪资料为基础的新北极区域晴空向下长波辐射通量参数化
- rawinsonde station 无线电探空测风站
- rawin sonde 无线电探空测风仪
- rawin(radar wind) 雷达气球
- rawin n. 无线电测风仪(利用雷达测定风速和风向)
- rawin balloon 无线电测风气球
- rawin target 雷达气球目标
- rawinsonde n. 无线电高空测风仪
- rawinsonde observation 无线电探空测风观测