- ciré silk 蜡光绸
- glacé silk 闪光绸
- ombré silk 月华色丝
- croisé silk 斜纹里子绸
- raw-cm raw_ cm
- gaufré silk 轧花绸
- silk croisé 全丝斜纹绸
- 转换成raw音轨文件(&T) Export Raw Audio&Track
- Dacey silk (印度) 达赛丝
- RAW模式在FOR XML子句中指定。 RAW mode is specified in the FOR XML clause.
- Desi silk (孟加拉) 德西丝
- Raw与FEV1 、MEF50 不相关。 There was no correlation between Raw and FEV_1 and MEF_ 50.Conclusions The measurement of Raw by interrupter technique is simple,convenient, noninvasive and reliable.
- RAW格式单张照片的写盘时间长达数秒 RAW write time is several seconds for a single shot
- 有关详细信息,请参见使用FOR XML RAW。 For more information, see Using FOR XML RAW.
- 这种仿真开发模式是基于与SML 模拟程序库通用的VB.Net、C#、J#、Java的Silk库等语言的一般结构。 The paper is based on generic structures common to SML simulation libraries in the . Net languages VB.Net, C%23 and J%23 and the Silk libraries in Java.
- 可选的type参数可以是IMG_GD2_RAW或IMG_GD2_COMPRESSED。 The optional type parameter is either IMG_GD2_RAW or IMG_GD2_COMPRESSED.
- 另一种方法是使用TYPE RAW并由自己写出所有必要的标记。 The other way is to use TYPE RAW and write out all the necessary tags yourself.
- 如果RAW图像来自下列任一数码SLR相机型号,就会出现此问题 This problem occurs if the RAW image is from any of the following digital SLR camera models
- Nikon Raw Codec 1.1.0版本支持D3和D300拍摄的RAW图像。 Nikon Raw Codec Ver.1.1.0 Supports RAW images captured with the D3 and D300.
- 注意,指定RAW类型不一定意味着输出不会采用HTML或XML格式。 Note that specifying type RAW does not necessarily mean the output is not in HTML or XML format.