- This theory is based on rational decisions. 这种理论依据理性的决策。
- That's a rational decision. 那是个合理的决定。
- A rational decision maker takes an action if and only if the marginal benefit of the action exceeds the marginal cost. 只有当这个行动带来边际利润超出它的边际成本时,一个理性的决策制定者才可以实施这个行动。
- The committee made a rational decision through thorough consultation and research. 委员会经过彻底的咨询和研究,作出了明智的决定。
- Governments and peoples do not always take rational decisions. 各国的政府与人民并不总是作出合乎理性的决定的。
- To save most of the children at the expense of only one child was a rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally. 无论从道义上还是情感上讲,以一个孩子的代价来挽救大多数孩子的生命会是大多数人的理性决定。
- Smart business that make rational decision can withstand the grips of a bad economy and coast swiftly during a good economy. 精明的生意人要做理性的决定;这些决定能经得起经济危机的考验;在平稳的环境中迅速发展经济.
- MBO, PPBS (planning, programming, budgeting systems ) PERT (program evaluation review techniques) are examples of rational decision making support systems. 管理层收购,PPBS(规划,方案,预算编制系统)评审(项目评估审查技术)的例子理性决策支持系统。
- At the positivistic level, they have basic differences concerning the pre-suppositions of rational decision, especially when uncertain beliefs are involved. 在实证基础上,它们对理性决策的预设也有着本质不同,特别是在不确定性情形下的信念方面。
- That is a rational decision. 那是个合理的决定。
- As the Nobel Prize-winner Kenneth Arrow showed in his book, Social Choice and Individual Values, no system of combining individual preferences can lead to a rational decision method. 正如诺贝尔奖金获得者肯尼思阿罗在他的著作《社会选择和个人价值》一书中所说的那样,没有一种体制能把各自的爱好结合起来并由此制定一个明智的决议方法。
- Frankly, I thought the same way initially because to save most of the children at the expense of only one child was a rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally. 无论从道义上还是情感上讲,以一个孩子的代价来挽救大多数孩子的生命会是大多数人的理性决定。
- As one of the three models in studies of foreign policy making, the rational choice model considers the state as a unitary actor and presumes that the state is a rational decision maker. 成果内容提要 作为外交决策学三大模式之一 ,理性选择模式认为国家即其决策者 ,并假设决策者和决策的思维过程是理性的。它以古典现实主义为思想基础 ,运用博弈理论分析决策过程和相应后果。
- People tell market researchers and “focus groups” that they make rational decisions about what to buy, considering things like price, selection or convenience. 人们告诉市场研究员和“聚焦小组”,他们会做出理性的决定,比如比较价格,精挑细选,考虑是否方便使用等。
- Know that the magnitude of this layoff would have been smaller if your management team had been making more rational decisions about direction over the past few years. 要知道如果你们有一个能干的上司在过去的几年中做出明智的决定的话,你们是不会失业的。
- S&T policymaking models include bounded rationality decision model, incremental decision model, elite decision model, and. group decision model. 科技政策制定模型主要包括有限理性决策模型、渐进决策模型、精英决策模型和集团决策模型。
- The examiners put a premium on rational argument. 评委们对以理服人的论据给以高度评价。
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。
- He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。
- Creative and Rational Decision Making 创意思维;理性决策