- My boy was raring to go to work to help the family. 我儿子急于想参加工作以帮家里一把。
- They are ready and raring to go. 他们已准备妥当急切想出发。
- Now, he looks fighting fit and raring to go. 现在,他精力充沛,渴望挑战。
- Are you raring to go back to work? 你会急切地想尽快回到工作状态中去吗?
- You'll be raring to go, but you'll be wise to go slowly. 你急切的想去,但是智者会不会轻举妄动,仔细琢磨你的想法,和你的客户或者老板讨论方法。
- Now, however, the boss says the Englishman is fit and raring to go. 现在,不管怎样,老板说英格兰人已经准备好了。
- Hurry up,dear,the children are already in the car raring to go. 亲爱的,快些,孩子们已坐在车里,早就急不可耐了。
- Hurry up, dear, the children are already in the car raring to go. 亲爱的,快些,孩子们已坐在车里,早就急不可耐了。
- It is important for me to start the game and I am raring to go. 这场比赛对我来说很重要,我有点迫不及待了。
- We can't wait for the Olympics to begin. We're just raring to go. 我们等不及奥运开幕才开始做(这件事),我们现在就急切的要开工。
- The children were raring to go. 孩子们一心要去。
- The new recruits arrived early, all dressed up and raring to go(= to start). 新兵早早地就到了,都穿得整整齐齐,盼着出发。
- She is raring to try out her new skates. 她很想试试她那双新溜冰鞋。
- They will be available for Celtic and Arsenal and they will be raring to go. 他俩在对凯尔特人和阿森纳的比赛中非常有用,他们也很渴望去踢比赛。
- When we youngsters get together and play, we're always raring to go. 当我们年轻人在一起踢球的时候我们总是全力以赴。
- Whether at home or nursery, playground or party, children will be raring to Go! 无论在家或托儿所,操场或派对,小朋友一定很想动一动!
- The children were raring to get out into the snow. 孩子们渴望到外面雪地里去玩。
- It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在这麽恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐。
- The horses were raring to have a gallop. 这些马都急不可耐地要飞跑起来。
- It is rare to find such a genius nowadays. 这样的天才现在很少见。