- random function generator 随机函数发生器
- The rand() function generates a random integer. 函数的作用是:产生一个随机整数。
- VDFG? Variable Diode Function Generator? 变量二极管函数发生器?
- Moreover, by constructing the PURM programs, we get the sufficiant conditions for a random function that can be simulated by PURM program or PTM. 基于对PURM程序的构造,我们给出了随机函数可被PURM程序或可计算的PTM模拟的充分条件。
- In this paper we made a study on a random function central limit theorems for linear process generated by martingale differences. 关于中心极限定理,众所周知,它是概率论理论中最重要的成果之一。
- The second chapter is about a random function central limit theorems for linear process generated by martingale differences. 李正龙,胡舒合对平稳序列也得到了同样的结论。
- A function generator not constrained by design or commitment to a specific function only. 一种不局限于设计或约定的某一具体函数的函数发生器。
- A multi-period spatial residual Cokriging model combining Stochastic Hydrology with Geomathematics,was used to analysis hydrology data with spatial and temporal random function. 本文将随机水文学理论和地质数学理论有机地结合在一起,提出了用时空随机函数观点去分析水文数据的多时段空间剩余协克立格模型。
- Why settle for a basic function generator when you can get arbitrary waveforms at no extra cost? 即然不用多花钱就可以得到任意波形为什么还要只有基本功能的函数发生器呢?
- Then,the demodulation of AM (ampli- tude modulation) signal of function generator is discussed and achieved. 在此基础上讨论实现正弦载波的调幅信号的 精确解调问题。
- The randomizing function is based on the interface's MAC address. 随机的功能是基于 MAC 地址的接口。
- In the paper, a new intelligentized and wideband function generator is studying, which is controlled by microchip thought MAX038. 本文介绍了一种智能化宽频带函数信号发生器的研制,它通过单片机对MAX038芯片的控制来实现。
- Anisotropic : This term is applied both to a random function and to it's variogram (or covariance) when the values of the variogram depend on both the distance and the direction.Also see Isotropic. 做油藏描述建模的时候经常要使用与地质统计学有关的概念和方法;现抛砖引玉;列出一些基本名词;希望对大家使用软件和地质统计学这个工具有所帮助.;更欢迎建模高手们多发表对建模和地质统计学的高见
- The class driver of Function Generator and Spectrum Analyzer has been build. And the encapsulation of the specific driver of hp 1445a, Ri3153a and ESA series is completed. 完成了函数发生器和频谱分析仪类库的建立以及对hp1445a、Ri 3153a函数发生器和ESA系列频谱分析仪等两类仪器专用类驱动库函数的封装。
- More generally, we studied the band gaps of the photonic crystal with dielectric constant modulated by random function, and a new method for getting a special kind of band gaps was provided. 还更具有一般性地研究了介电常数受随机函数周期调制时的光子晶体的带隙结构及其特点,从而为灵活实现某特定带隙的晶体提供了新的方法。
- It is the typical and troublesome problem that the synthesis of function generator approaches minimization of the maxiumun deviation between the output and the expected value. 函数发生机构中输出角度与期望值之间的最大偏差为最小的问题机构综合中一个典型而又较难处理的问题。
- This paper gives the control convergent theorem of integral for fuzzy random functions on basis fuzzy functions and fuzzy integral. 在可测模糊随机函数及模糊值函数积分的基础上,研究了模糊值函数的有界控制收敛定理。
- Although this VI uses subVIs to simulate a function generator and a digital multimeter, real instruments could easily be hooked up to a real black box to provide real-world data. 本例中用函数虚拟的函数发生器和万用表,但实际测量中可简单的将测试仪器接在实际测试的黑盒上测出真实的数据。
- Soiled dishes were piled at random. 脏碟子胡乱地堆放着。
- The compact Agilent U2700A family includes oscilloscopes, function generator, source/measure unit and switch matrix in a versatile form factor that enables space-saving solutions. 安捷伦紧凑型U2700A家族包括示波镜、功能发生器、发射/测量单元和来自空间节省解决方案因数中的多种成形因数的开关模型。