- The radioactive waste should be buried deeply under the ground in sealed box. 这些放射性废物应该放在密封的箱子里深埋在地下。
- Deadly weapons; a deadly spill of radioactive waste products. 致命的武器; 导致死亡的核辐射废物的倾倒
- This site is the home of the WasteLink directory which contains more than 7000 references concerning almost all topics associated with radioactive waste (radwaste) . 本网站是"废物链接"的主页,包含7000多个有关放射性废物的参考网站。
- Radioactive waste must be stored on land. 有放射性的废物都必须存放在陆地上。
- People should keep away from the radioactive waste. 人们应远离放射性废物。
- Deadly weapons;a deadly spill of radioactive waste products. 致命的武器;导致死亡的核辐射废物的倾倒
- There is a danger of serious contamination from radioactive waste. 放射性废弃物有严重污染的危险。
- The dumping of radioactive waste into the sea was banned in 1970. 禁止倾倒放射性废料入海的禁令在1971年颁布。
- Inside each drum was a designated quantity of radioactive waste. 在每个圆筒中都装有规定数量的放射性废物。
- Most radioactive waste is being stored in these 23 dumps. 多数放射性废弃物存放在这23个垃圾站。
- Radioactive waste should be carefully store until their safe disposal. 放射性废料在安全处置前应当小心贮藏。
- What can we do with dangerous radioactive wastes? 我们如何处理这些放射性废物?
- Where does the radioactive waste come from and how is it classified? 放射性废物的来源及分类是怎样的?
- Radioactive waste must be carefully stored until it can safely be disposed of. 人们在安全处理掉放射性废料之前,一定要把它仔细储藏起来。
- Radioactive waste should be buried deeply under the ground in sealed box. 这些放射性废物应该放在密封的箱子里深埋在地下。
- Radioactive waste,( waste material from nuclear power-stations, etc. 放射性废料(核电站等产生的核废料).
- The minor actinides in spent fuels dominate long-term hazard radioactive waste. 用过核燃料中的次要锕系元素是造成放射性废料拥有长期危害的主要原因。
- How does the nuclear power station handle radioactive wastes? 核电厂怎样处理放射性废物?
- Abstract: Groundwater is the major carrier for radionuclide migration in the high-level radioactive waste disposal. 文摘:在高放废物深地质处置中,地下水是核素迁移的重要媒介。
- Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site. 透露给报纸的文件声称是揭露放射性废料正被非法倾倒到此地一事。