- Their elimination from the competition was a great surprise. 他们在比赛中遭到淘汰是个很大的意外。
- This is a single elimination tournament. 这是一场简单的淘汰赛。
- Use dead code elimination to implement assertions. 使用无效代码清除策略实现断言。
- Zip- Another kind of gaussian elimination zip, C-C. 另一种高斯消去法。
- What do you think of Brazil's elimination? 您怎样看巴西队的出局?
- Last spring we selected 14 items for elimination. 去年我们淘汰了14种口味
- The elimination starts from the back. 所以行什只出现这一回。
- You can crack the code by a process of elimination. 你可以用消除法破解这个密码。
- In competitions there is inevitably elimination. 竞争不免要有淘汰。
- Radionuclide tracer analysis is a third important method. 第三种重要方法是同位素示踪分析。
- The answer is not elimination of private enterprise in the media. 答案并不在于消灭传播媒介中的私人企业。
- Excellent effect of deodorization,gout elimination and decolor. 除臭、除味、脱色效果好。
- Casts are usually soiled either during eating or elimination. 在喂食或排泄时管型经常受到污染。
- But there was nothing political in the elimination of the weak. 可是政治对弱者并没有加以限制。
- Otherwise will become the life weak one, time elimination! 否则将成为生活的弱者,时代的淘汰者!
- Treatment is based on elimination of moisture from the ear canal. 治疗首先在于消除耳道内的水分。
- Control and elimination of endemic diseases is a long-term task. 控制和消除地区性特有疾病是一份长期的差事。
- The laying off of personnel or the elimination of resources. 消耗人员或资源的消耗
- Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination. 用淘汰法找出你对哪种食物过敏。
- Option. This optimization is called transitive COMDAT elimination. 此优化称为可传递的COMDAT消除。