- Sidney Watkins M 。D 。, F 。R 。C 。S 。, O 。B 。E 。(b. ), 共同地以著名 Sid 教授 , 是世界显耀 FIA 安全代表和医疗代表, 头 在轨道医疗队, 和第一台反应器在崩溃的情况下。
- Rice J E,Vannucci R C,Brierley J B.The influence of immaturity on hypoxicischemic brain damage in the rat[J].Ann Neurol,1981,9:131134. 秦梅;王兴河;樊绍增;等.;新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤亚低温干预大鼠模型的建立[J]
- Akkaya M S, Shoem aker R C, Specht J E,et al.Length polymorphism of simple sequence repeat DNA in soybean. 唐荣华,张君诚,吴为人.;分子标记的开发技术研究进展
- Winfrey R C,Analysis of elastic machinary with clearances[J].ASME journal of engineering for industry,1987,95. 方华;袁兆成.;间隙元在活塞有限元分析中的应用[J]兵工学报;2000(3):28
- Henriette V P,Brian R C,Terrence J S.Running enhances neurogenesis,learning,and long-term potentiation in mice[J].Neurobiology,1999,96(23):13427-13431. 田苏平张小虎.;游泳应激对衰老小鼠学习记忆及脑内脂褐素含量的影响[J]
- Rice J E,Vannucci R C,Brierley J B. influence of immaturity on hypoxicischemic brain damage in the rat[J].Ann Neurol,1981,9:131134. 秦梅;王兴河;樊绍增;等.;新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤亚低温干预大鼠模型的建立[J]
- Wright G C,Nageswara Ra0 R C,Farquhar G D.Water use efficiency and carbon isotope discrimination in peanut under water deficit conditions[J]. 林植芳彭长连等.;大豆和小麦不同基因型的碳同位素分馏作用及水分利用效率[J]
- RCSC Radio Components Standardization Committee 无线电元件标准化委员会
- A stray radiation calculation method based on the feature of the R C system is given for estimating stray light performance in the well baffled R C system. 同时,依据R-C系统的特点,提出其杂散辐射的计算方法,用以估计遮光完善R-C系统的杂光水平。
- Wang R C,Chen C,Burkhard V.Theories and methodology on long term projection of cargo flows in Tumen River economic development area[J].Human Geography,1999,(9):21-25. [5]王荣成;陈才.;图们江地区物流长期预测研究的理论与方法[J]
- Radio Components Standardization Committee 无线电元件标准化委员会
- WANG R C,BIAN Z A,XU X L.The study of integrated system model to the mobile-agent based network management platform[J].Journal on Communications,2004,25(3):82-90. [3]王汝传;卞正皑;徐小龙.;基于移动代理网管平台的集成化系统模型研究[J]
- ZENG W H,CHEN R C,SHI Y,et al.A model for evaluating ability of professional innocent production based on artificial neural network[J].Environmental Engineering,2003,21 (6):70-72. [3]曾维华;陈荣昌;施涵;等.;基于人工神经网络的行业无害化生产能力评价模型研究[J]
- Guy R C E,Home A W.Extrusion and co-extrusion of cereals[A].In:Blanshard M V,Mitchell J R,ed.Food Strucure-It's creation and evalution[C].London:Butterworths 1988. 姚开;何强;吕远平;等.;葡萄籽提取物中原花青素含量不同测定方法的比较[J]
- Heat transfer coefficient'comprising convective and radioative components may strongly depend on the actural flow enthalpy and density. 热交换系数由对流和辐射两部分组成,这系数极大地依赖于实际活动的焓和密度。
- Eberhart R C, Kennedy J.A new optimizer using particles swarm theory[A].Proc.Sixth International Symposium on Micro Machine and Human Science[C].Nagoya, Japan, l995. 夏永明;付子义;袁世鹰;等.;粒子群优化算法在直线感应电机优化设计中的应用[J]
- A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up. 晶体管收音机不需要预热时间。
- Inter-Service Radio Components Standardization Committee 无线电元件标准化三军联合委员会
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