- He is more interested in the turf than in working. 他对赛马比对工作更有兴趣。
- Have you any horses on the turf? 赛马场上有没有你的马?
- The turf felt springy under their feet. 他们走在草皮上,觉得很松软。
- A thin, icy mist was ghosting up from the turf. 一片薄薄的冷雾鬼影般地从草地升起。
- His name is well-known on the turf. 他在赛马场上很有名气。
- Paved the turf and the moss below. 把下面的草地和青苔铺满。
- Eriksson wishes and expects the turf to be flawless come June. 埃里克森希望到了6月这里的草皮能无可挑剔。
- Research on the Turf Value of Polygonum aviculare L. 野生植物扁蓄的坪用价值研究。
- I returned to the turf to make a few, no Memory Stick storage room. 我走向草地,拍摄了几张,记忆棒就没有存储空间了。
- Honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay. 应该颂扬的是覆盖他们尸体的草皮地。
- These rip the turf and expose sufficient soil to allow the seeds to strike. 这些工具撕开草皮,暴露足够的土壤来让种子扎根。
- In process of time, the rain washes off all the turf and grass aforesaid. 日子一久,经过风吹雨打,上面所说的草和草皮都被冲走了。
- Effects of Mowing Management on the Turf Quality of Kentucky Bluegrass. 刈割管理对草地早熟禾草坪质量的影响
- There is the members' enclosure at the racecourse. 那儿是这个赛马场上的会员座区。
- If you were in their shoes, the turf might not look so lush and inviting. 如果妳处于和他们一样的状况,草地可能不看起来如此苍翠繁茂和引人动心的。
- The racecourse borders the city on the east. 赛马场邻接东城。
- Already there was among our nobility and gentry a passion for the amusements of the turf. 赛马在我们的贵族和中上阶层中已是一种倍受睐的娱乐活动了。
- Turf the cat out if you want to sit in the chair. 你要想坐那把椅子,就把猫赶走。
- Welch is working towards perfecting the turf ahead of the first competitive games on the pitch. 在首场正式比赛开始前沃尔什还在努力工作改进草皮质量。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。