- Pitchblende is the only primary uranium mineral, which is associated with quartz, fluorite, hematite and pyrite. 沥青铀矿是矿石中唯一的原生铀矿物,其共生矿物主要有石英、萤石、赤铁矿和黄铁矿。
- Oxalic acid diluted in hot water will remove the iron oxide from such specimens as microcline, quartz, and fluorite. 草酸稀释后,在热水,将可消除氧化铁从这些标本为钾长石,石英,萤石。
- Fluorite is common mineral assumed druses. 萤石是一种常见呈晶簇产出的矿物。
- The territory of proven mineral resources are: Glauber's salt, crude salt, potassium salt, fluorite, vermiculite, quartz stone, barite, granite, gypsum, etc. more than 20 species. 境内探明的矿产资源主要有:芒硝、原盐、钾盐、萤石、蛭石、石英石、重晶石、花岗石、石膏等20余种。
- Your quartz clocks are quite salable on our market. 你们的石英钟在市场上卖得不错。
- Clear, colorless quartz; rock crystal. 水晶,石英透明的无色石英;石英
- A light yellow variety of quartz. 一种淡黄色的石英
- The quartz clock keeps very good time. 石英表走得很准。
- DongHai Quartz Glass Products Inc. 东海石英制品总厂。
- Foshan Blue Sea Quartz Stone Co., Ltd. 佛山市蓝海石英石材有限公司。
- ShangHai Quartz Glass Products Co., Ltd. 上海海洲石英玻璃制品有限公司。
- Fuzhou sunsing quartz clock co., Ltd. 福州三兴石英钟有限公司。
- Dandong Oriental Quartz Instruments Co., Ltd. 丹东市东方晶体仪器有限公司。
- Linyi City Yuehang Quartz Glass Co., Ltd. 临沂市月航石英玻璃有限公司。
- The quartz watch keeps good time. 石英表走时准。
- Please send us your price list of quartz clocks. 请寄给我们贵方的石英钟价目单。
- What kind of watch is better, quartz or mechanical? 哪种表好一些,石英的还是机械的?
- Mechanical watches, or quartz watches? 机械手表,还是石英手表?
- Which kind do you prefer, quartz or mechanical? 您要哪一种,石英表还是机械表?