- quantity of education teaching 教学质量
- The idea of educational teaching is central to Herbart's theory of education which is founded on experience and on philosophical reflection. 赫尔巴特认为,没有“无教学的教育”,也没有“无教育的教学”,教育与教学应该统一起来。他把传授知识和道德教育看成统一的过程,这是很正确的。
- A quantity of unknown numerical value. 未知数数值不明的一个数量
- He was elected Minister of Education. 他被选为教育部长。
- The factory turns out a large quantity of paper products. 这家工厂生产大量的纸制品。
- Lack of education is an obstacle of success. 缺乏教育是成功的障碍。
- While remedial rhythm of the heart is wrong, also wait to quantity of eduction of blood pressure, heart influential. 治疗心律失常的同时,亦对血压、心排出量等都有影响。
- He devoted himself to the nourishment of education. 他献身于发展教育事业。
- Can you make us a special offer based on a quantity of ... ? 以。。。数量为基础,贵公司能给特价吗?
- Immeasurable quantity of natural resource was lost forever through misuse. 无法估量的自然资源因被滥用而永远丧失了。
- Lack of education was a liability in getting a job. 缺少教育对找工作不利。
- There is a small quantity of water left in the bottle. 瓶子里还剩下少量的水。
- He was handicapped by lack of education. 他因文化水平低而吃了亏。
- He ate a small quantity of rice. 他吃了少量的米饭。
- The average salary is correlated with length of education. 平均薪俸兴教育时间之长短有互相的关联。
- Put a small quantity of sugar into the batter. 在面糊里放少量的糖。
- What does education teach you currently? 这个教育,教你什么呢?
- He gave us a valuable insight into the problems of education. 他在教育问题上给我们提供了宝贵的见解。
- He collected a quantity of curious information. 他收集了很多稀奇古怪的消息。
- Learning to express oneself well is an important part of education. 学会把意思表达清楚是受教育的一个重要方面。