- A body fluid, such as blood, lymph, or bile. 体液一种体液,如血液、淋巴液或胆汁
- Nutritive qi and body fluid are thought of as the material basis of blood formation. 营气和津液被认为是形成血液的物质基础。
- Its main physiological functions are to decompose food and transform nutrient substances into qi and blood, and to discharge the wastes and steam body fluid. 它的主要生理功能是腐熟水谷将精微物质转化胃气血,泌糟粕、津液。
- Therefore the pathological changes of qi, blood and body fluid may bring about the dysfunction of the zang-fu organs, and the dysfunction of the zang-fu organs will be bound to cause the pathological changes of qi, blood and body fluid. 因此,气血津液的病理改变可以引起脏腑功能的异常,同时,脏腑功能的异常也必然会导致气血津液的病理改变。
- If qi transformation is out of order, it will affect the digestion, absorpiion of food, the metabolism and transformation of essence, blood and body fluid, the excretion of sweat, urine and feces and so on. 如果气化功能失常则会影响食物的消化和吸收,精、、液的代谢和转化,汗液、液和粪便的排泄等等。
- For instance, food is transformed into qi, blood and body fluid; body fluid are converted into sweat and urine by metabolizing, and the residues of food, after digestion and absorption, are turned into feces to be discharged from the body. 例如,食物转化成气、和体液;体液通过代谢转化成汗和尿液,而食物残渣经过消化和吸收后则转化成粪便排除体外。
- Asthenia is cntrails hypofunction, accordingly Qi and Blood, body fluid and its mctabolism, Yin and Yang run upset, induce blockage of the cardice vessels and thoracic obstruction. “虚”即是人体脏腑功能减退,从而使气血、津液、阴阳运行失常,导致心脉痹阻不畅而发胸痹。
- Loss of body fluid leading to hypovolaemia shock. 体液流失,导致低血量休克。
- If qi fails to attach to body fluid, qi-deficiency and even qi prostration will ensue. 如气无法依托于津液,则气虚甚则气陷就会随之发生。
- Interpretation of the statement "When yang qi rises, it will trans-form into the body fluid called sweat. 解读"阳加于阴谓之汗"
- The formation, distribution and excretion of body fluid depend upon all the movements of qi and its warming, promoting and controlling functions. 津液的形成、布和排泄依赖气的运动和温煦、动和固摄功能。
- Therefore, In case of deficiency of qi or dysfunction of qi, disturbance of body fluid in transportation, distribution and excretion will occur. 因此,气虚或气的功能失常,就会发生津液运行、布和排泄的紊乱,使津液停滞。
- Thus the functions of viscera and bowels as well as the conditions of qi, blood and body fluids can influence pulse conditions directly or indirectly. 因此;人体各脏腑功能活动及气;血;津液的盛衰和运行状况;都可以直接或间接地对脉象产生影响.
- On the Diseases of Qi blood and Fluid 气血津液病证说略
- The AIDS virus is only transmitted by blood and other body fluids. 爱滋病病毒只能通过血液或其他体液传播。
- The movements of qi are the motivity for the transportation, and distribution of body fluid, and the excretion of sweat and urine. 气的运动是津液运行分布和汗尿液排泄的原动力。
- Abnormally high alkalinity of the blood and body fluids. 碱中毒血液或体液中异常高的碱度
- Plain water is the best replenishment of body fluid. 要补充身体流失的水分,最好饮用白开水。
- "This Xiazai big trouble Lou," his old cigarette butts on the ground Han Yan Qiao Leqiao "Below is a blood body Ga, Nong Buhao our little Dangdang, below the EU should be trimmer. “这下子麻烦大喽”老烟头把他的旱烟在地上敲了敲“下面是个血尸嘎,弄不好我们这点儿当当,都要撂在下面欧。”
- HIV has been isolated from various body fluids. 人们已经从各种体液中分离出hiv。