- puzzle your brains out vt. 绞脑汁(苦干)
- If you lay a finger on her, I'll beat your brains out! 要是你干涉她,我就打碎你的脑袋!
- If you don't help me out, I'm going to blow your brain out. 如果你们不帮助我解决问题,我就要把你们打得脑袋开花。
- Is there any questions puzzling your brain ? 有什么问题让你伤脑筋吗?
- How much longer are you going to beat your brains out over that letter?You're not writing a novel,you know. 那封信你还要琢磨多久才能写成呢?须知你并不是在做文章写小说。
- If you are okay with HIV, herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, and other STDs, by all means fuck your brains out. 如果你觉得艾滋、疱疹、淋病、梅毒都无所谓的话,那就尽管去吧。
- puzzle your brains vt. 绞脑汁(苦干)
- This crossword will really tax your brain. 这纵横字谜真能让人大伤脑筋。
- If I had caught that guy, I would have beaten his brains out. 要是当时我逮住了那家伙,准要砸烂他的狗头。
- Too much of this sort of work turns your brain. 这种工作做多了会让你头脑发昏。
- Too much television rots your brain. 多看电视会使你的头脑退化。
- I beat my brains out trying to think of a way of getting round the difficulty. 我绞尽脑汁,试图想出避开那一困难的办法。
- It was too hard for him and he beat his brains out trying to get the answer. 这个问题对他来说大深奥了,他绞尽脑汁想找出答案。
- Joe is not one to blow his brains out. 乔不是个肯卖力干活的人。
- Some students are lazy, but others beat their brains out and succeed. 有的学生懒惰。但有的学生则苦思有成。
- Looking for a challenging puzzle? Exercise your brain with Leaf Buster. 寻找一个挑战性的难题吗?与叶老兄行使你的大脑。
- Never be too open-minded. Your brains might fall out. 你头脑不要放得太开。你的脑子可能会掉出来。
- He took a gun and blew her brains out. 他拿起枪,瞄准她的脑袋,把她击毙了。
- She beat her brains out during the examination. 在考试中她绞尽脑汁
- I'll have to pick your brains on how to sell goods. 我得向你请教怎样推销商品。