- Tube prices continued to rise and seamless push up prices. 管坯价格继续上涨,无缝管出厂价格推高。
- Wage increases pushed up prices. 增加工资使得物价上涨。
- Until a few weeks ago, even fears of geopolitical conflict tended to push up prices. 就在几周前,就算是对地缘政治冲突的恐慌也能把价格抬高。
- The stronger Norwegian krone vis-a-vis the dollar is also expected to push up prices in dollar terms. 挪威克郎对美元比价的上升还有可能使用美元购货价格的上升。
- Galloping inflation is pushing up prices. 急速通胀使价格不断上升。
- Wage increases pushed up prices . 增加工资使得物价上涨。
- Public-health advocates have long urged China to aggressively raise cigarette taxes in order to push up prices. 公共卫生维权人士早就敦促中国大幅上调烟草税,以便推高价格。
- Weather has also pushed up prices. 气候同样也导致价格升高。
- The snag is that stockpiling oil would push up prices, yet absorb only a tiny proportion of the sums at China's disposal. (这个想法的)障碍是贮存石油将抬高价格,但是这吸收只是中国外汇储备中的极小一部分。
- Will you help me to push up the window? 你能帮我把窗推上好吗?
- That policy has encouraged speculation across the board, pushing up prices of property, equities and bonds. 这种政策鼓励了各个领域的投机行为,拉高了房价、股价和债券价格。
- When people like the prospects of a business, they bid for its shares, pushing up prices. 如果人们看好这家企业的生意前景,他们就会竞价购买股票,把价格推高。
- One was the euro, which was widely blamed for pushing up prices and eroding savings. 其一就是欧元,许多人都指责欧元推动了物价的上升,侵蚀了储蓄。
- Transportation snafus and power outages also caused temporary disruption to other supply chains, pushing up prices. 运输混乱以及停电也导致其他供应链的暂时性混乱,推高价格。
- Nevertheless, the agency noted that speculators were also playing a part in pushing up prices as they hedged against a weaker dollar and inflation. 然而,该机构指出,投机者对冲美元走弱和通胀,也起到了推高油价的作用。
- Japan buys around 25% of the global tuna catch;the shortage has pushed up prices of bluefin (the best sort for sushi) by around 30% in two years. 日本购买了全球25%25的吞拿鱼捕捞配额,供应量减少将使蓝鳍吞拿鱼(做寿司的最佳原料之一)的价格在2年的时间里攀升30%25左右。
- I think a 5% sales tax and 4% surtax is unscientific, the effect of the transaction tax as Hangzhou : reducing supply, pushing up prices. 我认为征收5%25的营业税和4%25的附加税是不科学的,其效果如同杭州的交易税:减少供给,推高房价。
- Land-hungry peasants push up the hillsides. 缺少土地的农民开垦坡地。
- Aid groups say the drive by large corporations to produce agriculturally derived biofuels in Africa are further squeezing the continent's food supply, while pushing up prices. 此外,援助机构说,大企业用农作物开发生物燃料的做法抬高了粮食价格,进一步威胁到非洲大陆的粮食供应。
- Push up door, please. There is a draught. 请把门关上,有穿堂风。