- A. Push one's way through the crowd. 使劲穿过人群。
- Chiefly the mold of a man s fortune is in his own hand. 一个人的命运掌握在自己手中。.
- His claim to his deceased father\'s fortune was fiercely contested. (他要求继承亡父的财产而遭到强列的反对。)
- He's rolling in money, since he's inherited his rich father 's fortune. 由于继承了富有的父亲的遗产,他成了腰缠万贯的富翁。
- The more you exert yourself to push one object, and the quicker just the motion to this object. 你越用力推一物体,该物体就运动得越快。
- The more you exert yourself to push one object,and the quicker just the motion to this object. 你越用力推一物体,该物体就运动得越快。
- She' s fortunate enough to enjoy good health. 她身体好; 真有福气.
- You can have clips fade in or out, dissolve into another clip, push one scene aside as the new scene enters, and so on. 您可以使剪辑淡入淡出,溶解至另一个剪辑,在新画面进入时将一个画面放置一侧等。
- PJ: So, I want to push one more thing. I won't ask you if you jump down my throat. 普:那么,我想要多说一件事。我希望您能不要打断我。
- Good physical conditioning is necessary to push one through the tough terrain, but accurate navigation skills are key to finding controls and minimizing the distance traveled. 好物理调节是必要的通过坚韧的地面推一个,但是精确航行技巧对发现控制并且最小化距离关键旅行。
- Cape Town, South Africa, May 30, 2009--Rescuers try to push one of about 55 pilot whales that mysteriously stranded themselves back to sea. 2009年5月30日,南非,开普敦---救援人员试图将一头领航鲸推回大海,这是55头神秘搁浅的领航鲸中的一头。
- The old lady' s fortunate enough to have very good health. 老太太身体很健康,真是好福气。
- Devil means being evil and inhuman which could push one off coast cliff into sea, whereas Parade gives the impression of magnificence and luxuriance. Devil意味着邪恶,不近人情,甚至把你从悬崖边推到海里去。而Parade又给人太多华贵而奢靡的印象。
- He said a doubly doubling of food prices over the last three years could push one hundred million people in low-income countries deeper into poverty. 他说,在过去的三年里食品价格的翻倍使一亿低收入国家的人民陷入了更加贫困的深渊。
- As the housing market has fallen off a cliff, so have B&Q's fortunes. 房地产市场已经跌到了谷底,同时B&Q的运气也一样。
- Holly went to a fortune teller one night and had her fortune read. 霍莉有天晚上去找算命先生给她算了一命。
- push one's fortune(s) 拼命挣家当
- He opened the door with one push. 他一推门就开了。
- An affordance (or, technically, a perceived affordance) is contextual and cultural.You know you can push a button because you’ve pushed one before. 杯子里空的空间也是一种示能性,它暗示我们往这个杯里装液体。
- However, CLSA's fortunes have turned round so unexpectedly that it has shelved the scheme three months early and repaid staff the forgone income. 然而,里昂证券的时运发生了如此出人意料的逆转,以至公司提前三个月搁置了该计划,并补偿了员工所损失的收入。