- Secret letters were quilted in his belt. 密信缝入他的腰带。
- The borrowed money was quilted in his belt. 将借来的钱缝入他的腰带里。
- He pierced another hole in his belt with his knife. 他用刀子在皮腰带上又扎了一个洞。
- The repairman carries a range of tools in his belt. 这个修理工的腰上挂着各式的工具。
- After the business failed, he had to pull in his horns. 经营失败后,他不得不缩紧开支。
- After the business failed,he had to pull in his horns. 经营失败后,他不得不缩紧开支。
- He has pulled in his horns since that setback. 碰了钉子以后,他收敛些了。
- He made no other movement, but stood with his thumbs in his belt. 他没有别的动作,只是把大姆指插在腰带里站着。
- After the business failed, Father had to pull in his horns. 经营失败后,父亲就得缩减开支。
- He went camping with a knife stuck in his belt each time. 他每次去野营都佩带腰刀。
- He's pulling in quite a bit in his new job. 他在新工作中赚了不少钱。
- pull in his belt vi. 勒紧腰带(忍受饥饿)
- It is far from pulling in his horns. 离收敛还很远。
- After the business failed, he had to pull in his horns pretty sharply. 买卖失败后, 他不得不大大地削减生活开支。
- He said he could beat any man there singled-hand-ed, but he pulled in his horns when Jack came forward. 他说他能单枪匹马打败任何对手,但当杰克出现时,他退缩了。
- He goo the job because his father have a lot of pull in that company. 他得了那份工作,是因为他父亲在那公司有好多门路。
- He is enjoying life at QPR and believes it would be in his best interests to get more first-team games under his belt. 他很享受在女王公园巡游者的日子;并相信这将一直保持他的兴致在一线队比赛.
- He can pull in over£6,000 a year at that factory. 他在那家工厂一年可挣6千多英镑。
- His belt will carry any gear that is not thrown over the shoulder or carried in his rucksack or gasmask bag. 他的皮带将携带任何不用肩抗,或者装在行军背包或防毒面具包里的东西。
- He said he could beat any man there single-handed, but he pull in his horns when Jack came forward. 他说他可以独自打倒任何人,可是杰克向他挑战时他却退缩了。