- Her good look gave her a pull over other girls. 她的美貌使她与其他女孩相比占了优势。
- We signalled the taxi driver to pull over. 我们招呼出租车司机把车开过来。
- The cop ordered him to pull over. 警察命令他停车在路边。
- I shouted to the driver of the tractor to pull over and let me through. 我向拖拉机手喊,要他把拖拉机开到路边让我过去。
- Pull over after you turn right at this stop sign. 在停车线右转后靠边停车。
- Please pull over and stop there. 请靠边,在那儿停下来。
- B: I guess we had better pull over. 我想我们最好靠边停车。
- If the color of the commutator turns redish, the car is over gear. 你可在适正牙比范围内,找出一个牙比可令摩打在最长直路完成后开始收油转湾前达到最高转速为起点,之后再用秒表作标准,在此牙比附近作微调,从而找出最适合自己的牙比。
- The policeman wanted me to pull over. 警员要我驶向一旁。
- COP: Excuse me, sir. Pull over, please. 对不起,请路边停车。
- Excuse me, sir.Please pull over. 对不起,先生,请靠边停车。
- Let's pull over to the shoulder and check. 让我们把车推到路肩检查一下。
- The tourists signaled the driver to pull over. 游客们招呼司机把车开到路边。
- Oswald:Harvey, I really have to go! Pull over! 奥斯华:哈维!我真的非去不可!靠边停车!
- Garth pull over Oh man! Come on! 加思,停到路边。哦,伙计!不是吧!
- The patrolman signaled for the speeding driver to pull over. 巡警发出信号警告那名超速驾驶的司机靠边停下。
- He shouted to the driver of the tractor to pull over and let him through. 他对拖拉机手高叫,要他靠边走,好让自己超过去。
- Obsessing over gear is futile and foolish, but getting your hands on a new body or lens can give your passion for photography a jump start. 沉迷于器材是徒劳和愚蠢的,但拿到一个新的机身或者镜头能够激发你对摄影的热情。
- I had a narrow shave yesterday when I had a puncture on the motorway, but fortunately I was able to keep the car in control until I could pull over and stop. 昨天在公路上行驶时,我的车轮胎被戳破了,我真是死里逃生,幸好我能控制住车直到停下。
- You pull over to let a fire truck go by, and it stops behind you. 你给消防车让道,消防车却停在你后面不走。