- Responsibilities:In charge of public security, fire safety work, presided over the Municipal Public Security Bureau, contact municipal National Security Agency. 分管工作:分管公安、消防方面工作,主持市公安局全面工作,联系市国家安全局。
- The local chemical industry authorities under the PARM government shall cooperate with the public security agencies in the investigation. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府化学工业主管部门应当积极配合公安机关进行查处。
- In the case of loss or theft, the local public security agencies and the local chemical industry authorities under the PARM government shall be notified immediately. 发现丢失、被盗时,应当立即报告当地公安机关和所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府化学工业主管部门;
- To establish revolutionary order in the interests of the war,it must be stipulated that,with the exception of army units in combat action,only government judicial or public security agencies shall be empowered to make arrests. 规定除军队在战斗的时间以外,只有政府司法机关和治安机关才有逮捕犯人的权力,以建立抗日的革命秩序。
- WESTBANK grassroots public security agencies 基层公安机关
- A Rethinking of Legislation to Execute the Law by Notary of Public Security Agency 公安机关公正执法的立法思考
- Expenditure for Public Security Agency, Procuratorial Agency and Court of Justice 公检法司支出
- Militiaman and public security men now closed in(on the spies). 民兵和公安人员这时(向这些特务)包围上来。
- This certificate was issued by an unknown security agency. 该证书是由一个未知的安全部门颁发。
- The intelligence and internal security agency of the Soviet Union. 克格勃苏联情报和国家安全委员会。
- He is a policeman in the public security bureau. 他是公安局的一名警察。
- public security agency 公安机关
- Public security order is poor in some places. 有些地方社会治安状况不好。
- A parolee shall be supervised by a public security organ. 被假释的罪犯由公安机关予以监督。
- The gang of scoundrels severely jeopardized public security. 这帮歹徒严重危害着社会安定。
- If the applicant or third party cancels or alters the entrustment, the public security administrative review agency shall be notified in written form. 申请人、第三人解除或者变更委托的,应当书面通知公安行政复议机构。
- Such offences as his profoundly endanger public security. 他这样的犯法行为极大地危及公共安全。
- Half of them owned public securities. 他们之中有一半人有公债券。
- Organizations like the National Security Agency justify their budget on their being able to tap into people. 组织喜欢美国国家安全局替能够进入人们之内轻打的他们实在上的他们预算辩护。
- A special form of symmetric-key encryption system was proposed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and National Security Agency (NSA ). (美国)国家标准与技术局和国家安全局提出了一种特殊形式的对称钥匙加密系统。