- After an open trial, he was sentenced to death. 经过公审,他被判处死刑。
- He was brought to a public trial. 他受到公开的审讯。
- The people's courts carry out a public trial system. 人民法院实行公开审判制度。
- The despot and traitor was brought to public trial during the land reform and all his crimes were exposed. 土改时公审了那个恶霸兼汉奸,并揭露了其全部罪行。
- Double blind and open trial on treating depression with Moclobemicle and Amitriptyline. 国产吗氯贝胺与阿米替林治疗抑郁症双盲和开放试验。
- "It was basically a public trial...designed to influence potential jurors,"Braun said. 布朗说:“这基本上就是个公众审判...这么做就是想给陪审委员施加影响。”
- An open trial of Gabapentin as add-on therapy in patients with intractable epilepsy(IE). 加用加巴喷丁治疗难治性癫痫的临床观察
- To be heard in public; open trial 公开审判
- There are many conflicts among procedural laws in our country, especially in public trial, challenge system, evidence system and adjudication system. 摘要我国诉讼法(学)上存在很多冲突,尤其表现在公开审判与回避制度、证据制度、法院裁判等方面。
- Citizens charged with crimes are entitled to a speedy and public trial, along with the opportunity to confront and question their accusers. 受到犯罪指控的公民有权得到及时和公开的审理,并有机会与起诉人对质和向他们提问。
- Novice trials usually run concurrently with Open trials. 新手赛通常与公开赛同时举办。
- In civil proceedings, the People's Court practices the system of collegiate bench, withdrawal and public trial, and the system of two instances, the first and the final. 人民法院审理民事案件,依照法律规定实行合议、回避、公开审判和两审终审制度。
- This proscription does not extend to the cases cannot be opened or cannot have an open trial according to law. 但是,法律规定不公开或者可以不公开审理的除外。
- Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. 一、凡受刑事控诉嫌疑者,有未经获得辩护上所需的一切保证的公开审判而依法证实有罪以前,有权被视为无罪。
- Participants in the open trial were four men and six women.Seven patients had obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), one had panic disorder, and three had posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 这项实验的参加者包括四名男性和六名女性,其中七名患者有强迫症(OCD)、一位有恐慌症,其他三位患有创伤后压力症(PTSD) 。
- Article10. In civil proceedings, the People's Court practices the system of collegiate bench, withdrawal and public trial, and the system of two instances, the first and the final. 第十条人民法院审理民事案件,依照法律规定实行合议、避、开审判和两审终审制度。
- English by Allain BistaardThe Saigon Court, Tianjin’s first Vietnamese restaurant, has been open for a couple of months, but is still in the ‘soft’ opening trial phase. 贡苑法式越南餐厅是天津第一家越南餐厅。已经开业好几个月了,不过仍处于试营业阶段。
- Very occasionally some person whom you had believed dead long since would make a ghostly reappearance at some public trial where he would implicate hundreds of others by his testimony before vanishing, this time for ever. 甚至偶而有什么人,谁都觉得他早死了,却鬼魂一样重新显形,在公审时供出好几百人,而后消失不见,这次是再不出现啦。
- Sometimes it is argued that Bukharin intended his statements at his public trial to reveal that the entire process was based on fictions, despite making formal admissions of guilt. 有时布哈林声称将他在公开审讯中的言论揭露在以整个审判过程为基础的小说上,不管有没有正式认罪。
- As well as changing the judicial review process for death penalties, the reform also requires courts to conduct open trials for all second hearings of death sentence cases. 同样还有对死刑判决结果的审查,这项改革也要求发言对所有的死刑案件的二次听讼都必须要公开审判。