- The obstacle to sleep is manly because of anxiety and psychologic obstacle. 睡眠障碍主要因为忧虑和心理障碍。
- Conclusion Sandplay therapy can relieve or eliminate various mental problem and psychologic obstacle. 结论箱庭疗法可有效缓解或消除各种心理问题和心理障碍。
- Method To analyze the problems such as psychologic obstacle and hemospasia for many times existing in thrombolytic therapy of AMI,and present some nursing strategy. 方法针对AMI溶栓治疗中出现的心理障碍、反复多次抽血等问题进行分析并提出相应的护理对策。
- Basketball course could make students tin capable of erasing worry, rivalry, keen feeling on the relationship and other psychological obstacle. 篮球课程比另外两个项目课程更能消除女大学生焦虑、敌对、人际关系敏感等心理障碍。
- When first learning English,confidence is the main psychological obstacle impeding growth.This includes fear of making mistakes or even mustering the courage to open your mouth. 信心阶段大概是能够成功学习美语的最大障碍。所有新学习者都要经历这个信心阶段。
- Mental problem refers to the abnormal mental behavior.According to the severity, mental problem is divided into psychological perplexity, psychological obstacle and psychosis. 心理问题是指各种心理及行为异常情形,通常把心理问题根据其严重程度,分为心理困扰、心理障碍和精神病。
- Psychologic obstacles such as anxiety, depression and somatization disorder are commonly seen in patients with functional dyspepsia (FD). 功能性消化不良(FD)患者常伴有焦虑、抑郁、躯体化障碍等心理障碍,心理社会因素可能与FD的发病相关。
- The Type of Psychologic Obstacle and Nursing Care in the Patients of STDs 性病患者常见的心理障碍及护理
- Keywords Hamartoma;Precocious puberty;Gelastic epilepsy;Psychologic obstacle; 错构瘤;性早熟;痴笑样癫痫;心理障碍;
- Keywords coronary heart disease cardiac neurosis psychologic obstacle; 冠心病;心脏神经症;心理障碍;
- Don't shrink from the thought of obstacle. 不要一想到困难就退缩。
- Lack of education is an obstacle of success. 缺乏教育是成功的障碍。
- teacher - originated psychological obstacle 师源性心理障碍
- psychological obstacle in learning 学习心理障碍
- factors of psychological obstacle 心理障碍因素
- An obstacle or a span to be jumped. 需跳越的障碍或跨度
- Her father's opposition remained only their obstacle. 她父亲的反对是他们唯一的障碍。
- Results Students with the psychologic obstacle accounted for 13.9%, and the ones who should be more cared for accounted for 23.0%; 结果心理障碍学生为139%25,应引起关注的学生为23.;0%25,心理正常学生为63
- An obstacle to or a censoring of free speech. 言论限制对言论自由的审查或言论自由的障碍
- The Psychological Obstacle in Oral Communication and its Overcome 口语交际过程中的心理障碍及其克服方法