- Why is playing online laggy for me? Spectating and playing offline works fine. 为何在线游戏时我感到延迟呢?观战和离线游戏时没有这种现象。
- Uses SQL CE for local storage when working offline. 在脱机工作时使用SQL CE进行本地存储。
- Cannot load document whilst working offline. 无法在离线模式中载入文件。
- pseudo offline adj. 伪离线的(伪脱机的)
- To disconnect from the server and work offline. 断开与服务器的连接并脱机工作。
- Enables you to work online or offline. 使您能够联机或脱机工作。
- This apparent interest of his in modern music is completely pseudo. 他对现代音乐显露出的雅兴纯属自欺欺人。
- He got engaged to her when working in Xian. 他是在西安工作时和她订婚的。
- He jibbed at working overtime every day. 他不愿每天都加班加点。
- The basketball players are working out at the gym. 篮球运动员们正在体育馆进行训练。
- The boxers are working out at the gym. 拳击手们正在体育馆里训练。
- We are working in conjunction with the police. 我们与警方配合进行工作。
- You'll crack up if you go on working so hard. 你继续这样拚命干下去,身体会吃不消的。
- He has stopped working and leads a very easy life. 他现在不做事了,过着很舒服的日子。
- I spent some time in working over these books. 我花了一些时间去好好研究这些书籍。
- I supplement my grant by working in the evenings. 我除享受助学金外还打夜工以增加收入。
- He is working double tides to finish his essay. 他日夜苦干,赶写他的文章。
- She had spent all her working life in the factory. 她一生的工作时间都是在这座工厂里度过的。
- He expresses sympathy for the working people. 他表现了对劳动人民的同情。
- Cindy told him with pseudo sweetness. 辛迪装出一种甜甜蜜蜜的口吻对他说。