- She was on friendly terms with most of the hospital staff. 她和医院大多数工作人员关系融洽。
- Communicate with orphanage directors and hospital staff. 与儿童福利院院长及医院职员联络。
- A person associated with but not officially residing in an institution, especially a nonresident physician on a hospital staff. 不住院的医生与一机构联合但不正式住在其中的人,尤指医院职员中不住院的内科医生
- I would like to thank all the hospital staff from the bottom of my heart for the way they cared for my mother when she was ill. 我要衷心感谢全体医务人员在我母亲患病期间对她的悉心照料。
- Hospital staff said many of the casualties were teenagers or young adults.From Baghdad, Jim Muir reports. 医院工作人员说大部分的受害者是未成年人或者青年人。
- Results The ability of hospital staff in using, maintaining and repairing the equipment is enhanced. 结果:提高了野战方舱医院人员对装备的使用、保养和维护能力。
- A person associated with but not officially residing in an institution, especially a nonresident physicianon a hospital staff. 不住院的医生与一机构联合但不正式住在其中的人,尤指医院职员中不住院的内科医生。
- Following this report, rather than being discouraged, the hospital staff, both Chinese and expatriate, seemed energized.Superintendent Dr.I.C. 这个报告出炉后,医院的员工不但没有丧气,不论本地或外籍员工的精力似乎更充沛。
- I thank the hospital staff;doctors, pastors, and nursing staff for showing me sacrificing their lives, time and money for the greater reward in Heaven. 我感谢医院的同工,医师、院牧以及护理人员们,让我在你们身上看见如何将生命、时间和金钱奉献,得到更大的属天报偿。
- Apparently, the hospital staff had to get the permission of the Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Mya Oo to be able to finally treat the monk. 还有报导有位僧人因脚伤而被送往医院,军方命令医师在僧人还俗之前不得治疗他。僧人则回应他宁愿因伤死亡也不愿意还俗。
- Methods Convalescents were placed in natural land-scape and human human landscape by hospital staff to to promote recovery. 方法在景观疗养过程中,医护人员进行科学的指导,使疗养员置身于自然景观和人文景观之中,促进疗养员的身体健康和疾病康复。
- At her birth, the hospital staff suspected that Valentina had Down syndrome because of her facial features and the transversal lines on her palms. 他一出生,医生就怀疑Valentina患有唐氏综合症,因为Valentina的面容和手掌的纹路是特殊的断掌。
- Mrs Brown is known for her hospitality. 布郎太太以好客闻名。
- Don't presume on their hospitality. 不要利用他们的热情好客
- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。
- Intensive training courses are being organized for hospital staff to ensure that proper measures for personal protection and infection control are in place. 正在为医院工作人员组织强化培训班以确保落实个人防护和感染控制的妥善措施。
- Many thanks for the hospitality you showed me. 非常感谢你对我的款待。
- I don't want to trespass on your hospitality. 我不想叨扰你。
- Your child may need other equipment, not mentioned here, to provide support while in the ICU, or afterwards. The hospital staff will explain all of the necessary equipment to you. 患儿在术后监护室内或以后的治疗过程中,可能还需要这里没有提到的其他设备,医务人员会向你介绍各种必要的设备。
- I don't want trespass on your hospitality. 我不想叨扰你。