- Use recyclale paper is also a way to protect forest resources. 使用再生纸也是保护森林资源的一个途径.
- We must put in practice a strict land management system and measures to protect forest and grasslands. 坚决实行最严格的土地管理制度和保护森林资源的措施。
- These lures are surrounded by nets and placed in open fields next to a protected forest in southern Brazil. 这些诱饵的四周张网围布,放置在南巴西的一个受保护森林旁的开阔地上。
- A state environmental official, James L. Caswell, said that such logging would in general be intended to protect forest health and manage fire risks. 一个叫做JamesL.;Caswell的州环境官员说这种开采基本上会是出于森林保护和防火的目的。
- Discussed to protect environmental problem and problem of protective forest belt (the treatment of deserted crosstie and processing problem) . 讨论了保护环境问题和保护林带问题(废弃枕木的加工和处理问题)。
- Establishment of Cutting Orchard of Improved Variety for Coastal Protection Forest of Casuarina spp. 沿海防护林木麻黄优良品种采穗圃营建技术的研究。
- Study on Affection of Water Resources Protection Forest to Water Quality of Miyun Reservoir in Beijing, China. 北京密云水库水源涵养林对水质的影响研究。
- Protection Forest on sandy meadow was established by mixing broadleaf trees to raise stability of sandy meadow system. 为提高草沙地系统稳定性,采用阔叶树混交方式营建草沙地防护林。
- Protect forest resources, safeguard foresters' interests, and keep the stability of forest zone, is the essence and long-term task of forest policy management. 摘要保护好森林资源、维护好林农利益、保持林区稳定才是林政管理的本质内容和长期任务。
- It is a basic national policy of China to plant trees, protect forests and improve the ecosystem. 植树造林、保护森林、改善生态是中国的一项基本国策。
- Chemical property of precipitation in Pinus tabuleaeformis water resource protection forest in Miyun Reservoir wa-tershed. 密云水库集水区人工油松水源保护林降水化学性质研揪。
- The Baltimore oriole's appetite for caterpillars may help protect forests from some destructive pests. 巴尔的摩金莺食用毛虫可能有助于保护森林从一些毁灭性害虫。
- He and Sully protected forests from further devastation, built a new system of tree-lined highways, and constructed new bridges and canals. 他和苏利保护森林免遭更大破坏,建设了两旁植树的公路网,架设桥梁,开挖运河。
- Construction of ecological environment forest, urban protection forest, water and soil conservation, production and comprehensive utility and development of nursery stock. 生态环境林、城市防护林建设,天然林资源保护,水土保持,林业苗木生产及综合利用开发等。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- Discusses regional construction pattern of optimal protection forest system to esta-bilish a symbiosis relation between protection forest system and ecosystems. 生态经济型防护林体系建设模式系统就是体系的建立和优化发展的方法系统。
- The development of the straw-based panel also has the social benefits of resolving the rural problems and ecological benefits of protecting forest and reducing pollution. 除了提供木材替代产品外,麦秸板的发展还具有有助于解决“三农”问题的社会效益,保护森林,减少污染的生态效益。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。
- Worth while and gratified is, the mankind is after the retaliation that suffers the nature that disafforest brings, begin to know protective forest, cherish Gu Mu. 值得欣慰的是,人类在饱受砍伐森林带来的大自然的报复以后,开始懂得保护森林,爱惜古木。
- The results show that Populus simonii x nigra and Pinus sylvestris vat. mongolica protection forest can increase the soil waterstorage capacity in shelterbelt networks. 防护林可增加林网内土壤贮水量;