- The Protect Workbook command isn't available or I can't type in the Password box. “保护工作簿”命令不可用或者无法在“密码”框中键入密码。
- Hiding, locking, and protecting workbook and worksheet elements is not intended to secure or protect any confidential information that you keep in a workbook. 隐藏、锁定和保护工作簿和工作表元素并不是要保护工作簿中保存的机密信息。
- Password protected workbooks cannot be saved in a Web Page. 有口令保护的工作簿无法保存在网页中。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。
- If you want to protect a shared workbook, first stop sharing it. 若要保护共享工作簿,请先取消其共享状态。
- How can we protect our computer files? 我们怎样才能保护我们的计算机数据?
- A plastic cover protect the computer. 这台计算机由一个塑料防护罩盖着。
- It's our duty to protect the saplings. 保护树苗是我们的责任。
- In case of flood, the dam can protect us. 在发洪水的时候,大堤可以保护我们。
- A law was passed to protect alien property. 通过了一项法律保护外国侨民的财产。
- An umbrella will protect you from the rain. 雨伞可以保护你不致雨淋。
- These policemen wear helmets to protect them. 这些警察戴着头盔保护自己。
- He raised his arm to protect his child from hurt. 他伸出手去,保护他的孩子免受伤害。
- Workbook must contain at least one worksheet. 工作簿必须包含至少一个工作表。
- These gallant soldiers will protect our country. 这些勇敢的士兵会保卫我们的国家的。
- Gets or sets the author of the workbook. 获取或设置工作簿的作者。
- Gets or sets the write password of a workbook. 获取或设置工作簿的写密码。
- The local authorities protect the family from inquisitive tourists. 地方当局保证这个家庭不受爱好寻根究底的旅游者的纠缠。
- Occurs when a new workbook is created. 在创建新工作簿时发生。
- Do Exercise One in the workbook orally. 口答练习册上的习题一。