- Property speculation has subsided. 炒卖楼宇活动已经沉寂下来。
- Property speculation was minimal. 物业炒卖活动已经沉寂下来。
- He made his money in property speculation. 他靠房地产投机发了财。
- The move is intended to reduce property speculation. 政府这些动作意在减少房产投机行为。
- The Helmsley money, $5 billion by the time Leona got her hands on it, was pretty new, from property speculation. 海茉斯利家族的财产则是新近物业投机所得,大约有50亿由莱昂娜主手打理。
- And there are plans to increase the supply of middle to low-priced housing to curb property speculation. 另外,政府也有计划增加中低价位房屋的供应,以遏制房地产市场的投机行为。
- BNP Peregrine analysis, a series of warning China to property speculation, the real estate market may make this year go soft. BNP百富勤分析,中国对房产投机的连串警告,可能会令今年的房地产市场走软。
- These houses were built by property speculators. 这些房屋是由地产投机商建造的。
- The property speculation, the widescreen TVs, the ornate furnishings - all recall the bubble economy now burst.They make Parliament look like a remnant of a bygone era. 房地产投机、宽屏电视机、华丽的家具-所有的经济泡沫现在都破灭了,这些让议会看起来像一座远古时代的遗迹。
- Shanghai has responded with measures to quell property speculation by restricting pre-sales of apartments, raising developers' equity in projects, reducing land supply and stopping wholesale evictions. 为打击房地产投机,上海采取了一系列应对措施,其中包括限制期房销售,提高开发商投入项目的股本份额要求,减少土地供应,以及禁止大规模强令拆迁等。
- Shanghai has responded with measures to quell property speculation by restricting pre-sales of apartments, raising developers'equity in projects, reducing land supply and stopping wholesale evictions. 为打击房地产投机,上海采取了一系列应对措施,其中包括限制期房销售,提高开发商投入项目的股本份额要求,减少土地供应,以及禁止大规模强令拆迁等。
- Among the sales frenzy widely reported by the media, there were concerns earlier in the year that property speculation in the primary market was building and that it might overheat the market. 在传媒大肆报道销售畅旺之下,年初时有人担忧,一手市场的物业投机活动日趋活跃,可能会导致楼市过热。
- I apportioned half the property to each of them. 我把财产的一半分配给他们各人。
- They also own a map of the Shanghai property speculators national crusade maps, a detailed description of the largest developers in the outer provinces investment. 不过,因为大多数上海人对异地投资还是了解甚少,当真正打算付诸行动时,不少人都有些“摸着石头过河,不知深浅”的感觉。
- The courts ordered the seizure of all her property. 法院下令查封她所有的财产。
- He thrown away all his property in speculation. 他因投机倒把而倾家荡产。
- She has a right to the property. 他享有这比财产权所有权。
- The property revert to its original owner in1998. 财产于1998年将归还原所有人。
- The stolen property must be restored to its owner. 赃物必须物归原主。
- He gave full particulars of the stolen property. 他详细列出全部被盗的财物。