- propane fractionating 丙烷脱沥青
- The soil absorbs only a fraction of the rain that beats down. 土壤只吸收猛打到地面上的雨水的一部分。
- I'll be ready in a fraction of a second. 我马上就好。
- The story does not contain a fraction of truth. 这故事没有一点真实性。
- He has done only a fraction of his homework. 他只做了家庭作业的一小部分。
- The car stopped within a fraction of an inch of the wall. 汽车在离墙不到一英寸的地方停住了。
- Could you move a fraction closer? 你能不能稍微再挪近点儿?
- Propane may also be used as LPG. 丙烷也可用作液化石油气。
- How come we've been using propane, and nobody knew? 为什么我们实际上已经在使用丙烷,但是确没人知道?
- If you use green gas, you're already using propane. 如果你已经在用绿气了,实际上你已经在用丙烷了。
- She spends only a fraction of her earnings. 她只花了所赚的钱的一小部分。
- So it's really propane? How can you be sure? 那么你怎么确定它就是丙烷的呢?
- They represented only a fraction of the general populace. 他们代表的仅是全体国民的一小部分。
- By itself, propane has very little smell. 而丙烷本身的味道很小。
- Available in R22, R497C and R290 (propane). 可在r22的,r497c和r290的(丙烷)。
- Only a fraction of my friends have video recorder. 我的朋友中只一小部分人有录像机。
- Earthworms comminute the mineral fraction of soils. 蚯蚓粉碎土壤中的无机物碎片。
- There is not a fraction of truth in his statement. 他说的话一点也不真实。
- Fig.A shows an industrial fractionating column. 图A显示了一个工业分馏塔。
- So, why should I fill my gun with propane instead of green gas? 那么为什么我要用丙烷来替代绿气?