- The sun sometimes spoils the propagation of radio waves. 太阳有时会影响无线电波的传播。
- The density of population in this city is very high. 这个城市的人口密度非常高。
- Emission and propagation of energy in the form of rays or waves. 发射以光线或波的形式发出和传播能量
- The propagation of animals or plants. 动物的饲养,植物的培植
- Demography is the analysis of population variables. 人口学是对人口变量的分析。
- Committee on Propagation of the Tradition! '优良传统发扬光大委员会'!
- Studies on rapid propagation of Cornus alba'Aurea'. 金叶红瑞木快繁技术研究。
- In vitro Propagation of Adiantum raddianum Presl. 楔叶铁线蕨的离体快繁。
- We now come to the question of population. 现在我们开始谈人口问题。
- Forming and propagation of wave. 波的形成和传播。
- Do you know the density of population in this area? 你知道这个地区的人口密度吗?
- Study on the Propagation of Melastoma dodecandru L. 地菍的繁殖研究。
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Lilium spp. 青山百合的组织培养与快速繁殖。
- No,actually,it's more a matter of population. 不,实际上这更是一个人口问题。
- Tissue culture and rapid propagation of blackberry. 黑树莓的组织培养与快速繁殖。
- In Vitro Propagation of Phlox paniculata. L. 锥花福禄考的组织培养及快速繁殖。
- Description for type of population. 对填充类型的说明。
- Censuses of population and statistical yearbooks. 人口普查与统计年报。
- In Vitro Propagation of Phlox subulata L. 丛生福禄考的离体繁殖。
- Japan has a high density of population. 口密度很大。