- profits measurement criteria 盈利计量指标
- To attain a reliable and acknowledged measurement criterion for logistics management talents. 企业有了可靠的、公认的物流管理人才衡量尺度。
- The experimental results show that it is an effective and practical separability measurement criterion. 实验结果表明,这是一种有效和实用的可分性评测准则。
- In conclusion, betel-quid chewing should be controlled, and a regular nationwide survey on betel-quid chewing using standardized measurement criteria would be useful. 与同时有嚼食槟榔及呼菸两项行为者戒嚼槟榔意愿相关之因素则有年龄、过去一年曾否戒菸、和未来半年有无戒菸意愿。
- The specifications of the AWS system for electric power grid dispatching should be compatible with relevant terms in present land weather observation and hydrologic remote measurement criteria. 电网系统自动气象站系统的技术指标宜参照现行的气象和水情自动测报系统相关规范的部分要求。
- Methodologically also, financial experts are familiar with a host limitations surrounding conventional profit measures. 在方法上,财务专家们也都熟悉围绕传统利润标准的一系列限制。
- According to the principle of profits measure,considering profits of the injured by stopping encoraching,partly stopping and reparations. 根据利益衡量原则,综合考虑,可以采取停止侵害、部分停止和损害代替等方式,来维护当事人的权益,救济受害人。
- A member of this database role can determine values for the Cost measure by subtracting the Profit measure values from the Sales measure values. 该数据库角色的成员可以通过从销售度量值中减去利润度量值来确定成本的度量值。
- Prepare a list of prioritized and measurable criteria, either in the form of a worksheet or other method, for analyzing and comparing the candidates. 准备一份经过优选的量化指标,无论采用工作表形式或其它形式均可,以用于对应聘者进行分析、比较。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- Meteorological measurement criterion 气象计量检定
- The stress of Anchors and concrete which bears huge pre-stress under anchors is relatively well-distributed or not, that is measure criterion of anchorage. 锚具及锚具下部锚固体的应力分布是否相对均匀合理并且不会产生较大的应力集中,成为衡量锚固体系各部分结构是否合理的检验标准。
- The profits will be dealt out among the investors. 红利将分发给投资者。
- A standard of measurement or judgment; a criterion. 标准测量或判断的标谁; 标准
- Strategic Reflection over Profit Measurement Management 改进利润计量管理的战略性思考
- I did profit by the advice they gave me. 他们给我提的意见的确对我有很大好处。
- The shop expect to make a small profit this year. 这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。
- He is above taking profits for himself. 他不屑为自己谋私利。
- He makes a profit of five dollars on his house. 他卖掉房子获利五万美元。
- But the code does not disturb the profits. 但这种审查法规既不影响影片的利润。