- Whereas some might denounce the pharmaceutical industry's profit seeking, Kremer wants to harness it. 因而有些人可能会谴责制药产业的利益导向,这正是克利梅想利用的一点。
- Meanwhile, Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce faces many problems.First, the role of chamber is illegible that embodies in the tendency of profit seeking. 但同时,温州商会的发展也面临着诸多困境,一是角色模糊,存在较强烈的营利倾向;
- To go on a junket,especially at the expense of a government or a favor - seeking business or agency. 旅游,尤指由政府出钱做公费旅游,或由寻求优惠的企业或机构出资做公费旅游
- In this situation, the enterprises, as well as the academia area, put high attention on the logistics cost, since the logistics cost is the last profit seeking area at present. 而社会分工的细化使得第三方物流企业这样一种专业的物流运作实体得以产生,然而其成本管理模式和方法还极不完善。
- Besides the producer and distributor's moral decline in profit seeking, the imperfectness in food safety guarantee mechanism is a more important cause of the rises of such cases. 造成我国食品安全问题屡禁不绝的重要原因除了生产商、经营者唯利是图、道德沦丧外,还在于我国食品安全保障机制的不健全。
- Former chairman, J. Irwin Miller, visited China in1975. He was one of the earliest American business leaders seeking business opportunities in China. 康明斯与中国的合作始于1975年,当时的康明斯董事长埃尔文·勒先生首次访问中国,成为最早来华寻求商业合作的美国企业家之一。
- In the process, PMCs are raising questions about the privatization of foreign policy, and whether a profit seeking company can be accountable with limited government oversight. 参考译文:在过去的10年里,私营军事公司(简称PMC)在输出安全、战略及训练外军等工作中悄悄地扮演着主要角色。
- MBA students and Business graduates seeking business internships should also contact us about the opportunity to work with us. 企管硕士学生和商科系毕业生如想寻找实习工作,也可与我们联络,了解是否有相关机会。
- Reporter Seeking business from the net may in fact be inevitable when a major ad slump is draining TV's willingness to spend big bucks on sport. 由于广告业的萧条,电视不愿在赛事转播上花费太多钱财,体育组织从互联网寻求商机已不可避免。
- Seeking business from the net may in fact be inevitable when a major ad slump is draining TV's willingness to spend big bucks on sports. 由于广告业的萧条,电视不愿意在赛事转播上花费太多钱财,体育组织从互联网寻求商机已不可避免。
- Welcome to domestic and foreign merchants to visit Fenglingdu Economic Development Zone to invest, seek business opportunities! 竭诚欢迎国内外客商到风陵渡经济开发区考察投资!
- Contrary, if commercial website popularizes this tort novel that uploads by the user everywhere, from which seek business interest, that is in jural namely " help tort " . 相反,商业网站如果将这部由用户上传的侵权小说到处推广,从中谋取商业利益,那在法律上就是“帮助侵权”。
- The Global MBA is a special graduate curriculum for managers who hold or seek business leadership positions in the Americas. The program is a joint-venture of fo... 全球MBA是谁的经理持有或寻求美洲业务的领导地位特殊研究生课程。该计划是一个联合的四个著名商学院的合资企业。
- DUP directly unproductive profit seeking activities 直接谋求非生产性利润的活动
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- Similarly, Ireland offers excellent opportunities to Chinese companies who are seeking business partnerships in product development and marketing in the newly expanded, relatively wealthy, European Union. 同样,爱尔兰也向那些希望在快速发展,相对富有的欧盟成员国家内就产品发展和营销方面寻找商业合作的中国企业提供良好的机会。
- Seek business, or you can seek or utilize other waies from yellow page, with one of our service planned period, discover supplier , plan sale distant view, and other a lot of actual application. 寻找商务或者你可以从黄页中查找或运用其他方式,运用我们的服务计划一个周期,发现供应者,规划销售远景,和许多其它实际的应用。
- U disk exchange experiences and seek business opportunities in the latest U disk, the latest information, most cattle technology, USB network worthy of Ali as a professional disc U portal. 交流U盘经验;寻找U盘最新商机;最新资讯;最牛技术;阿里USB网不愧是一个专业的U盘门户网站.
- She salted away most of the profit from the business. 她把做生意赚的利润大部分都私自蓄存起来了。