- In highly decentralized organizations, divisional managers have enough autonomy in decision-making and burden independent profit responsibility. 在高度分权的组织中,部门经理有足够的决策自主权,并负起各部门利润责任。
- Investment center [accounting] A responsibility unit whose performance is measured in terms of resources committed (capital invested) relative to monetary costs and returns. 投资中心[会计]指一个责任单位,其业绩是以与货币成本和收益有关的资源的使用(资本投资)来衡量的。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- In SNA, only one request / response unit transmitted on a particular normal or expedited data flow. 在系统网络体系结构(sna)中,某个特定正常数据流或加速数据流中唯一的一个请求/应答单元。
- The Response Unit, Bobby on the Beat, Panda Driver, etc, call them what you will. 反应单元,维持街面的,或者是熊猫驾驶员,随便你怎么叫他们。
- Caller Independent Voice Recognition Having a voice response unit recognize the voice of a caller without having been trained on the caller's voice. 呼叫者独立语音识别安装语音相应单元后,就可以识别呼叫者的声音,而不需要预先训练判断呼叫者的声音。
- A follow-up to the Emergency Response Unit (ERU) equipment handed over to RCSC showed that these ERUs are now warehoused in five provinces. 跟进移交给中国红十字会的后续应急救灾设备显示,这些设备已经进入五个省区的库房。
- Pertaining to the state in which a transmission control unit or an audio response unit cannot accept incoming calls on a line. 指传输控制器或声音应答装置不能接收线路上的输入呼叫的状态。
- I did profit by the advice they gave me. 他们给我提的意见的确对我有很大好处。
- The shop expect to make a small profit this year. 这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。
- Remark: the unreached target will be indicated with scarlet color, and the responsible unit should provide improvement report. 未达成目标项目请用"大红色"字体表示,并须责任单位提出改善报告。
- Apiary Inspector Peter Kaczynski came out of retirement to put together this rapid response unit for the State of Victoria. 已经退休的养蜂场的督察员彼德,立刻在维多利亚成立回应单位。
- I disavow all responsibility for you. 我不承认对你有任何责任。
- He makes a profit of five dollars on his house. 他卖掉房子获利五万美元。
- Pertaining to the state in which a transmission control unit or audio response unit cannot accept incoming calls on a line. 指传输控制设备或音频应答设备不能接受线路呼入的状态。
- We hope to make great profit in the long term. 我们希望长期获利。
- The painting was sold at a profit. 这幅图画可获利销售。
- Selection of cooperative unit directly influences the progress and quality of clinical trial, so the lead group or responsible unit must strictly monitor. 摘要协作单位的选择直接关系到试验的进展和质量,课题领导小组或负责单位必须严格把关。
- Similar emergency response units are being set up throughout the rest of Japan. 类似的紧急反应组织在日本其他地区正在建立。
- He's abdicated all responsibility in the affair. 他已经放弃了这件事中的一切职责。