- profit-sharing profit-sharing
- profit commission (保险) 纯益手续费
- abbr. (=P&L) Profit and Loss, 损益 P. and L.
- 在下面的这个示例中,对象的名称是Total Profit[Domestic]。 In this next example, the name of an object is Total Profit [Domestic].
- in,from,out,以及of都是介词。 The words'in','from','out' and 'of are prepositions.
- 它也是BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform的基础构件。 it is also the basic component of the BEA Weblogic E_Business Platform.
- iN-OS iNOS
- 另一种选项是,将业务逻辑放在Business代表中,后者充当模型。 Another option is to put the business logic in a Business delegate, a facade that acts as the model.
- Cu-In Cu-In
- 此服务器组件是Business Scorecard Manager绩效管理系统的核心。 The server component is the core of the Business Scorecard Manager performance management system.
- IN环 IN-rings
- 使用Business Scorecard Builder时,为什么必须以域帐户的身份登录? When I am using Business Scorecard Builder, why must I be logged on with a domain account?
- IN陶瓷 aluminium nitride
- In组分 indium content
- 主IN环 principal IN-rings
- In掺杂 In dopant
- In填充 In filling
- In分凝 In segregation
- In-掺杂 In-doping
- 介词in the preposition IN