- He finished the portrait in a few minutes. 他几分钟就完成了一副肖像画。
- In profile she is very like her mother. 由侧面看她很像她母亲。
- She sat observing his face in profile. 她坐着从侧面观察他的脸。
- The Queen's head appears in profile on British stamps. 英国邮票上有女王的侧面头像。
- It also looks symmetrical in profile. 在横剖面上它看起来也是对称的。
- Oil and water will not mix. She has begun a portrait in oils. 油与水不能混合。她开始画一张油画画像。
- She is prettier in profile than at full face. 她的侧面比正面好看。
- A gelada monkey sits for a portrait in the Ethiopian highlands. 这是一张埃塞俄比亚高地一只坐着的狮尾狒狒的肖像照片。
- Error In Profile: No domain suffix found. 配置文件错误: 没有找到域前缀。
- Jack drew her mother in profile. 杰克为她母亲画了一幅侧面像。
- Armstrong looked round at his classmates, silly glee in profile. 阿姆斯特朗四下里打量着同学们,露出傻笑的侧影。
- Open the barefaced beautiful woman portrait in the guesthouse. 首页>>性感MM>>开放美女在宾馆的露骨写真.
- Face in profile cannot stimulate a smile among children. 小孩不会因看到一个人脸的侧面而微笑。
- In profile, the syncline is asymmetrical and called inclined fold. 在横剖面上,这个向斜构造看起来是不对称的,这种褶皱称为倾斜褶皱。
- The Queens head appears in profile on British stamps. 中文:英国邮票上有女王的侧面头像.
- She has a beautiful [fine] profile.; She is fine in profile. 她侧面看很美。
- You can't go wrong[1] giving an Aries a diamond or an original portrait in oil. 当然,要是你送给白羊座一颗钻石或是一张原版油画也是绝对不会错的。
- After a few preparatory drawings, she completed the portrait in one session. 她先画了几张草图,然后一次完成了画像。
- After a few preparatory drawings, Tina completed the portrait in one session. 她先画了几张草图,然后一次完成了画像。
- Dressed in traditional clothing, two children hold lambs and pose for a portrait in Peru. 穿传统服饰的两个秘鲁小孩抱着小羊羔,并为拍摄肖像照摆好了姿势。