- He is no other than the professional talent we are looking for. 他正是我们要物色的专业人才。
- Have professional talent to provide you with professional service. 有专业的人才为您提供专业的服务。
- College education has adopted the “professional talent” pattern to replace the former “generalist” one. 大学教育不再采用“通才”模式,而是采用“专才”模式。
- The main goal of education at the junior college levels is to develop professional talent in the areas of research, creativity and performance. 能,二专阶段则以培养研究、创新、演出之专业人才为主要目标。
- Shanghai New Career International HR Consulting Co., Ltd is a private-owned consulting enterprise specializing in headhunting all kinds of professional talent for client. 公司行业:专业服务(咨询,人力资源)公司性质:外资公司规模:少于50人
- Shenzhen Headhunter Consultancy Co., Ltd., as a branch of Headhunt China Co., Ltd. was established in Shenzhen, China in 2002.It provides professional talent service in China. 猎头中国有限公司于2002年在中国深圳设立了专业的猎头服务分支机构----深圳市赫德亨特人力资源有限公司,正式进入中国市场。
- Bank of China International in mainland China, Hong Kong and New York, London, Singapore branch, with a high standard of professional talent, a strong institutional sales and retail network. 中银国际在中国内地、香港及纽约、伦敦、新加坡设有分支机构,拥有高水准的专业人才队伍、强大的机构销售和零售网络。
- Please introduce investors, entrepreneurs or professional talents in our park. 也欢迎您介绍投资者、创业者或专业人才到我们这里来。
- Professional Talent Cultivation Plan 专业人才培养方案
- He has achieved eminence in his profession. 他在职业上出人头地。
- Pattern: To cultivate professional talents with leading-role cognition, career-pioneering spirit and practical ability. 人才培养定位:培养具有引领意识、创业精神和实践能力的应用型高级专业人才。
- Teaching is a demanding profession. 教学工作是个要求很高的工作。
- He has just turned professional. 他刚转为专业人员。
- Perhaps every profession has got its black sheep. 也许每个行业都有害群之马。
- What is more,Hong Kong has a contingent of high-quality civil servants,large numbers of successful entrepreneurs and an array of professional talents. 尤其重要的是,香港有一支素质较高的公务员队伍,有一大批成功的企业家和各行各业的优秀人才。
- Herold can not match him in artistic talent. 就艺术才华而言,海洛德不能同他相比。
- He laddered to the top of his profession. 他跃上他的行业的最高峰。
- Be in charge of research of cable monitoring and accessories manufacture technology. In charge of training of young professional talents. 负责电缆监测及附件制造技术重大课题研究及本专业中青年科技人才的培训、培养工作。
- He is a leading member of the medical profession. 他是医疗业中首屈一指的医生。
- Be in charge of research of heavy current measurement and test technology. Be in charge of training of young professional talents. 负责大电流计量技术、测试技术等重大课题研究及本专业中青年科技人才的培训、培养工作。