- But to the professional league, Tianjin basketball began Lamo. 不过到了职业联赛之时,天津篮球就开始落寞。
- He made a successful jump into the professional league out of high school. 他成功从高中转到职业联赛。
- In fact,various kinds of professional league matches in Eu-rope and America often find it hard to avoid facing some crisis. 事实上,欧美的各类职业联赛,经营中也经常难免面临一些危机。
- Both have played in China's fledgling professional league and are members of the national team. They are not considered top prospects. 在记者告诉他之前,王建民并不知道洋基队周一签下两名中国的球员,左投手刘凯与捕手张振旺,他们下个月初将会抵达纽约,两人都是19岁。
- Jeff: In fact, various kinds of professional league matches in Eu-rope and America often find it hard to avoid facing some crisis. 杰夫: 事实上,欧美的各类职业联赛,经营中也经常难免面临一些危机。
- It was the first time the 25-year-old from Shandong competed in the professional league, as financial and visa problems held her back in the past. 过去由于经济和签证问题她没有去参赛,这次是这个来自山东的25岁姑娘第一次参加专业性的比赛。
- Most countries offer few opportunities for female soccer players, but Norway has a thriving women's professional league, and the U.S. a burgeoning co-ed youth soccer movement. 大部分国家的女足队员比赛机会不多,但挪威有蓬勃的女足职业联盟,而美国的青年男女混合足球运动正快速发展。
- A men's professional league was organized in 1898 but did not gain much of a following until 1949, when it was reconstituted as the National Basketball Assn. (NBA). 男子职业联盟在1898年成立,但一直都没有造成风潮,直到1949年重组为全国篮球协会(NBA)。
- By analysing the concerned current law of our country, the author explains why judicial office intervenes in the professional league football matches and how to intervene. 通过对我国现行的有关法律进行分析,论述了司法介入足球职业联赛的法律依据和介入程序问题。
- Among them was a crystal warrior figurine from Wang Zhizhi, the first Chinese in the NBA and now a player in China's professional league and on the national team. 其中有一个水晶武士小雕像,这是王郅致送的,王是第一个在NBA打球的中国人,现在为中国职业篮球联赛和中国国家队效力。
- The National Basketball Association formed NBA China on 14th, strengthening its business interests in the region and perhaps paving the way for a bolstered professional league in the country. 美国职业篮球协会(NBA)14日宣布,“NBA中国”正式成立,负责NBA在中国大陆、香港、澳门和台湾的业务,帮助中国发展篮球职业联赛。
- "The Spanish professional league wishes to pass on its most sincere condolences to the family of Antonio Puerta of Sevilla and to all connected with Sevilla," the LFP said in a statement. "西班牙职业联赛希望将最诚挚的哀悼传递给塞维利亚的安东尼奥.;普埃塔家庭;以及所有与塞维利亚相关的人;"LFP在一份申明中说
- In the 2008-2009 season of the professional league cba Neiyuan delisted at the meeting, the 38-year-old Shan Tao Gong Xiaobin was walking out, will be delisted out the biggest upset. 在2008-2009赛季的cba职业联赛内援摘牌会上,38岁的单涛被巩晓彬挑走,爆出摘牌会最大的冷门。
- Another change brought about by the professionalized league is the involvement of foreign athletes. 职业化联赛带来的另一个变化是外国队员的加入。
- He has achieved eminence in his profession. 他在职业上出人头地。
- Teaching is a demanding profession. 教学工作是个要求很高的工作。
- Perhaps every profession has got its black sheep. 也许每个行业都有害群之马。
- He has just turned professional. 他刚转为专业人员。
- He laddered to the top of his profession. 他跃上他的行业的最高峰。
- She was in league with her mother to embarrass me. 她和她母亲联合起来叫我下不了台。