- There are two main trends in economic activity in the new era: production based on information,and the globalisation of production relations. 新时代的经济活动的主要趋势有两方面:在生产力上表现为信息化,在生产关系上则表现为全球化。
- There are two main trends in economic activity in the new era: production based on information, and the globalisation of production relations. 新时代的经济活动的主要趋势有两方面:在生产力上表现为信息化,在生产关系上则表现为全球化。
- Provide supervision and training to production related management team. 生产管理相关人员的培训和指导;
- So we could provide both plastic bag and its production related service. 因此,我们可以提供塑料袋,其生产相关的服务。
- This paper tries to expound the historical effect of German social legislation from a viewpoint of the rising and coordination of the inner contradictionbetween production forces and production relations of capitalist societies. 本文从资本主义社会生产力和生产关系内部矛盾的产生、调等角度阐明德国社会立法具有的历史效应。
- To be responsible for product promotion and other product related activities. 负责产品推广和其他相关事宜。
- Improvement of product related to customer requirements, and resource needs. 与顾客要求有关的产品的改进;资源需求。
- While the Western liberalism goes after its freedom in the process of adapting itself to its production relations, which is a kind of rational occupation of material freedom (inclusive of system). 而西方自由主义是在与其生产关系适应过程中追求自由的,是一种理性的占有之物质(包括制度)自由。
- International monopoly capitalism urges the development of capitalist economy to some extent and open new space for the adjustment and development of capitalist production relations. 国际垄断资本主义在一定程度上促进资本主义经济的发展,为资本主义生产关系的调整和发展开辟新的空间。
- From the late Ming Dynasty to the period of the Republic of China, tin mining industry in Gejiu was mainly owned by private businesses and the production relations changed constantly. 摘要从明末至民国,个旧锡矿开采主要是以私营企业为主,其生产关系始终处于不断的发展演变之中。
- In order to meet the demand that the productive forces continue to develop,every aspect of the productive relations must be adjusted accordingly. 为了适应生产力继续向前发展的要求,生产关系的各个方面必须随时进行调整。
- Her record company ceased sales of all products related to her. 酒井所属的唱片公司也表示,将停止所有与其有关的商品销售。
- Food safe and the safety in production relations reform development stable general situation, relates the populace vital interest, is the government bounden responsibility. 食品安全和安全生产关系改革发展稳定大局、关系群众切身利益,是政府义不容辞的责任。
- Streamline all production related factors to Improve line efficiency, reduce line chageover time. 优化生产相关一切因素已提高效率,减少换线时间。
- Streamline all production related factors to Improve line efficiency, reduce line chageover time. 优化生产相关一切因素已提高效率,减少换线时间。
- More than 5-year production related experience in HVAC or electric field preferred. 5年以上生产领域的工作经验,空调行业优先考虑,有动手经验者优先考虑。
- To plan and delivery continuous process and product related training to production assemblers. 给生产装配工人提供工艺和产品相关的培训。
- HIFI and products related to the two major industries in the field of security. 产品涉及HIFI与安全防护两大工业领域。
- Results 70 products relate to dinking water were sampled on-the-spot in 2002. 结果2002年现场抽样的涉及饮用水卫生安全产品70个品牌的产品,合格率达9275%25。
- Complies with the responsibilities described in the Quality Manual. Writes and updates production related SOPs, protocols and specifications. 遵从质量手册中所规定的责任,起草更新生产相关标准操作规程,协议及规范。